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  • Gakii 470



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Ability to build a responsive website that prioritises mobile

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    -Developing a responsive website. -I overcame the difficulty by watching a YouTube tutorial on mobile-first design.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I would value any suggestions on how to make improvements.

    kaLihaRi 50



    Hello @G-Gakii, congratulations for completing challenge. Good work. I like your usage of the custom properties and html structure. I've got few suggestions to make your solution even better.

    1.) HTML structure - add another class to the div "container", for example "container product-card"

    2.) CSS - "product-card" class - you should try put the flexbox or grid on it, so you can use properties like "gap", "margin', "padding" for general spacing and "border-radius" instead of using all of that seperately on every children.

    3.) Dev Tools - if you don't use it actively, try to use Dev Tools on the Google Chrome/ Firefox (hit F12 in the browser) to visualize and check your structure, spacing and which classes have more specifity.

    4.) Flexbox by deafult have "flex direction: row", but grid by default put children in the column, so remeber about it. You can use less code, if you want easy column just put display:grid on the parent

    5.) Typography - try to set "line-height: 1.5" on your paragraph. It will give your text more space to breath.

    6.) Width of the container - should be locked by "max-width" with the REM units (eventually px) on the container. Take margins and padding from the "container" and put it into "product-card". Your container wille be still responsive on the smaller screens.

    7.) Responsive units - try to avoid pixels. Use REM for the font-sizes, width etc. Use EM for the margins and padding and media queries. Em is relative to the REM.

    8.) Semantic HTML - use "article" instead of the "div" on the container with class "product-card"

    Recommended resource: you definitetly should check Kevin Powell free course "Conquering Responsive Layouts". There is good explanation and when use max-width, clamp function, rem & em, percents, vh etc. :) Good luck and have fun!

  • P
    kaLihaRi 50



    Hello @ownedbyanonymous Congratulations on your solution. Good work! I like that you used tables and some semantic HTML. I've got few suggestion to improve your project.

    1.) HTML structure - try to put all content below the picture into one div, so you can add display:flexbox; flex-direction: column; gap: 32px; od display:grid; gap: 32px; instead of using margins on all elements seperately

    2.) Main heading needs to be bigger font-size: 40px;

    3.) Instruction section - there should be ordered list <ol> instead of unordered <ul>

    4.) You should add somehow white spaces at the top & the bottom of the page to make it look visually better and to make it easier to check [solution <=> design] comparison

    5.) Card width - card is to narrow. In the design cotainer have max-width: 736px;

  • P
    kaLihaRi 50



    Hello, Congratulations, good work. Your solution is very close to the design, but I have few suggestion to make your code (CSS) even better.

    1.) Use flexbox (column directory) with gap property on the .social-card instead of margins on the .card-bio & h2

    2.) Use gap property (in addition to the flexbox) on the .card-btn instead of margin-botton on the links

    3.) Try to use property "line-height: 1.5" on the "body". It should help with spacing.

    4.) Add property "transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out;" to the " .card-btn a:hover, .card-btn a:active" to make smooth transition

  • tchananet 170



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I was able to do lots without checking online.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I still struggle with being able to match the design pixel for pixel. I can get the layout but matching exact font-size, width, spacing, is hard.

    kaLihaRi 50



    Hello. If you struggle with pixel-perfect design you should try to use Figma file, where you have all information about spacing, sizes and so on. I like that you use clamp function for responsivness, but sizes of the fonts unfortunatetly don't match design. Overally good work, I see you're now more experienced than before, you have more challenges done, so maybe consider making this one pixel-perfect? Good luck & have fun

  • P
    kaLihaRi 50



    Hello. Overall solution is good, but not perfect yet. You forgot to change font-size of the title to the 22px which makes your card component too high. The paragraph below is perfect. Padding seems to be ok everywhere. Try add some box-shadow to the .card, on the bottom especially. Code is readable and well-structured, but if the project will be bigger than this one it would be good practise to use more detailed class names. Good work and keep it going.
