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  • Submitted

    While this one is not responsive, it is an old challenge that I worked on in the past but I am submitting in hopes it can be something a member of the platform wants to pick up and work on. I think this presents the opportunity for anyone interested in open source to get use to submitting pull requests, etc. Looking forward to the PRs!

  • Submitted

    ##Any and all feedback is appreciated. I had a goal of completing this in under an hour so I know there may have been things that I missed so please feel free to share thoughts

  • Submitted

    Please feel free to interact and comment on where I falter. I tried to account for all edge cases but I don't know if I did. Please, anything that you see that seems out of place, do not hesitate to leave a comment.

  • Submitted

    Built using CRA

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    This was my first time using React or an API on my own for that matters, so please whatever feedback that can be provided would be extremely appreciated.

  • Submitted

    Built this with sass. Please feel free to provide any feedback on how I can improve.

  • Submitted

    I feel like this was not my best work considering I just wanted to do it as a quick distraction. Please give feedback on what I could've improved. I feel like there might be plenty

  • Submitted

    I decided to use this project as a way to learn and work with styled components for the first time. I gotta say not the smartest idea I had but I managed my way around completing it. Please, please leave any feedback on ways I can improve. Also, if anyone knows how to deal with environmental variables in netlify, please help. I tried to the map section with Mapbox, got it to work locally but it would not work on Netlify. As always, #HappyCoding

  • Submitted

    This one is 90% completed. It is one of those projects I bookmark to refactor later. But, if anyone reading this is interested in possibly figuring out where I left off and want to make pull requests to the repo, feel free to do so. While at it, please leave any and all feedback possible.

  • Submitted

    I ended up modifying the json file to a js file but I know that's probably not the most efficient way to solve this. If anyone know the best way to interact with images in json, please let me know. I tried doing the require thing and that did not work. I tried updating the path and nothing, so please let me know if anyone knows how to solve this with the json file.

  • Submitted

    Hi everyone, I decided to do this with react so I can get better practice. I do plan on refactoring things to add possibly context and styled components. Please drop any feedback on things I can improve. I know it might not be the most optimized code or filled with the best of practices so please don't hesitate to give feedback.

  • Submitted

    This is only desktop mode. I worked on making this more responsive but there were a lot of moving pieces. My main focus for this challenge was more about getting the logic to work and less about the UI. Other than making the UI more presentable, any suggestions on improvement?

  • Submitted

    Coded this a long time ago. I had some mistakes the first time around and went back to fix them. There's still a lot that can be done to make it perfect but I feel like this was much better than what I initially submitted. I used to use a lot of IDs when writing code, which I have not done as much lately. I kept the IDs on this, even if I don't use them as much anymore, simply to remind me of where I used to be. Feedback is always welcomed. :)

  • Submitted

    As always, please give any feedback. I got slightly bored and wanted to try something quick and easy to keep my mind busy. Right after submitting, I realized that my code has a container like feel whereas the original design does not. Other than that, are there anything else that you guys can suggest I improve on?

  • Submitted

    Ok, my first time attempting to push my code to Github through the terminal. I hope all transferred well. As always, any feedback is welcome.