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All comments

  • @juanardanaz


    Hi @Zubby126, congrats for uploading your solution of this challenge!

    I saw your code, and if you allow me I leave you some recommendations: In order to apply good practices, in the HTML file try to put only the html info. The css data of the assets and elements like "width, height, color, etc" put it in the CSS file. This will be more useful in the future and to work on your project.

    The images are not uploading, try this and see if it fixes it:

    <img src="./images/image-equilibrium.jpg">

    <img src="./images/icon-ethereum.svg">

    <img src="./images/icon clock.svg">

    <img src="./images/image-avatar.png">

    Also, its recommended that images must have alternate text. You can write something related to the image.

    It is recommended that the css file start like this:

    • {

      margin: 0;

      padding: 0;

      box-sizing: border-box;


    I hope this helps you!

  • @Ayodeji63


    I add, few functionalities to the game, one to keep the losses score and the other to keep the wins score, i also add sounds..

    Am looking forwards to your feedbacks...



    Hi @Ayodeji63!

    I really like your solution for this challenge. Adding sounds to the different rounds, and the losses/wins counter score was a really good touch.

    One thing I saw to check out, is that de "alt" attribute of the img element are empty. This does not alter the operation of the project, but I comment it so that it is taken into account.

    This was a relly good project, keep like that!
