Jovan Jankovic
@jolexDevAll comments
- @sergrosuSubmitted 5 months ago
- @HexerseSubmitted 5 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
What I am proud of is that I am able to do this faster and faster now.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?When it came to creating blocks for the media information. I was stumped. I went back to research.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?nil
@jolexDevPosted 5 months agoSuggestion to always keep your styles inside a folder, write your css externally. Correct the image path with "./assets/images/avatar-jessica.jpeg" <- with a dot after the first quotation mark.
My advice is to always use classes for selecting elements, ID's are usually used for the purpose of linking elements.
1 - @Schnitzel689Submitted 5 months ago@jolexDevPosted 5 months ago
Use classes instead of ID's, try to name your selectors in more detail so whoever is viewing your code can understand your structure easily enough.
Try to practice feature commits on GitHub, where the first line is always the name of changed document with a suffix (updated, modified) and the second line shows the feature you implemented with a brief description on what and why.
0 - @Ali-Abbas1Submitted 6 months ago@jolexDevPosted 6 months ago
Although it does the job, the code is unreadable. It is always a plus to have a direct access to the code in it's respective language, so that others can understand what you've done.