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  • @salymk


    I had a lot of fun building this project. I tried some new technologies in this project, like styled-components and Material-UI. I loved using styled-components; the most significant benefit I got from using it was maintaining my styles. It was a breeze finding the CSS that was affecting my components, and also, I could delete styles from one component, and it would not affect other components. Another benefit I got was automatic vendor prefixing, meaning I didn't have to worry about what my project would look like on other browsers.

    Please give me feedback on:

    • Accessibility
    • HTML structure
    • Loading state I'm using for react-query. Using it in these components:
      • Job:
      • Jobs:

    Need help with:

    • I'm using react-query to fetch data from data.json. One big challenge I have is showing 'No Jobs for [user input]' when users search for a job that does not exist.
      • I have a useJobs hook that I'm using to fetch the jobs, you can find it here:
        • I need help with showing that message in this component: Jobs:



    Hiya Salym and good job with this challenge! Replying your question: I think you can use a variable to store the result of the filter method and then use an if statement or a ternary operator to display the <NotFound /> component (or whatever you called) or use the map method with the result of the filter, example:

    const formattedJobs = data.filter(// rest of the code);
    formattedJobs.length === 0 ? <Not Found /> : rest of the code);