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    I had a hard time with the part of the images in the sections. In the end I couldn't get it, but I suppose it will be a matter of practicing little by little until perfecting it. I await your feedback

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    My main problem is the responsive issue and I believe the excessive use of flexbox and padding. Also the issue of sizes is difficult for me to handle. I await your suggestions to improve.

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    I tried this time to use some animations to give it some life, but I don't know if the keyframe is in the right position or goes to the end of the media. Although the animation works, I don't know if I'm committing a bad practice. I await your feedback.

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    I don't know if I have handled well the part of the margins and the padding and the theme of the Css grid. And I think I use a lot of classes when I can summarize when applying the styles.

  • Submitted

    I had complications in the padding and margin. In the proper use of gaps, it is still difficult for me to use them properly. A feedback with advice on their use would be great if someone recommends it to me.

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    The subject of the positions cost me a bit of work, also the part of the aparts I don't know if I applied them correctly or I would have used an unordered list better. Any feedback or advice is welcome.

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    I'm still having problems with the component overflow part when shrinking the screen. Even if you apply responsive layouts to elements, there are sizes where some components overflow. If someone could advise me on how I could improve I would be delighted.

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    I had difficulty in the responsive theme, to adapt each element and that at the moment of stretching it it is not forced. Although I know that I still have to improve in the good practices but I suppose that a feedback from anyone here would be good for me.

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    I had difficulty with the issue of transitions since it is something that I do not handle very well, but I was able to solve it by watching some blogs and video tutorials. Anyway, I don't know if I managed to apply it correctly. I look forward to any suggestions on it.

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    For the first time I used CSS Grid and FlexBox together, at first it was difficult for me to apply the sizes in CSS grid since I don't handle it much, but with Flexbox it is easier for me even if I use more code. For the box-shadow property I don't know if you applied it correctly. If you can give feedback I would appreciate it.

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    The difficulty I had was in handling the margins, the padding and I wanted to add animation but I still don't handle it well and in the end everything ended up overflowing. So I left it as it is. If you can give me some advice about the animations or anything else you see that I need to improve, I would appreciate it.

  • Submitted

    La parte del manejo de los tamaños, el padding, el margin, pero al final creo que pude conseguirlo. Igual de todas formas, si alguien quisiera hacerme un feedback sobre algo que podrías quizás mejorar bienvenido sea.

  • Submitted

    Lo más difícil fue tratar de utilizar Grid ya que no estoy muy familiarizado, por esa razón use flexbox. Aunque sé que con Grid me hubiese ahorrado varias líneas de código tengo que aprenderlo mejor para comenzar a usarlo con propiedad. En lo que no estoy seguro es la parte del centro de los componentes y también en la utilización de HTML semántico.

    Agradecería que me den un feedback. Gracias de antemano.

  • Submitted

    Todavía me cuesta trabajo manejar Flexbox, aunque no sé si lo he aplicado bien. La parte de media queries también estoy en duda. Y sí alguien quiere aportar con un comentario bienvenido sea.