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The hangman game PWA with service workers and eleventy
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Latest comments
- @jay-ikeSubmitted about 1 year ago@jay-ikePosted about 1 year ago
thank you for your feedback kent.
- First of all the technology used is vanilla javascript allthough I've recently refactor it to use Solidjs for a better reactive system than what I've implemented
- Then I want to say that we have an empty state because in the zip file I had there was no data.json file
1 - @rahimi-1997Submitted over 1 year ago@jay-ikePosted over 1 year ago
Hi Raha you've done a great job finishing this challenge
This is what I found as improvement
- it's better to add the download attribute to the <a> tag to indicate to the browser that it's a download link
- you could have used CSS grid in the header with grid-area to simplify the markup, so you would only bother about how the grid template will be according to the viewport
1 - @YusufAkileviSubmitted over 1 year ago@jay-ikePosted over 1 year ago
Hello Yusuf I love your solution using only JavaScript now I've found some issues in the CSS
- on the navigation you've forgotten to avoid the background-image to repeat with background-repeat: no-repeat
- on typography, I think you can use fluid typography with the help of the clamp function in CSS ex: font-size: clamp(1rem, 2vi, 1.5rem)
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