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    This was a challenging project, especially since building this in React. Found some challenges in the image slider in the mobile design but found a tutorial to help with that. Overall, it was a fun project for an intermediate challenge!!!

    Feedback is welcome!!!

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    I completed this project around September but forgot to upload it. This is also my last project using vanilla JavaScript as I began learn React.js. This was a fun project as I was able to understand how to use an API using fetch async await. The search bar was challenging but found a helpful tutorial along the way. Definitely adding it to my portfolio.

    Any Feedback will be great!!!

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    Sorry for being gone a while, been practicing with react for the last 3-4 months and I built this component using react as a quick practice test. Feedback is welcome!

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    This was a quite a challenge especially when breaking it up and working on one problem at a time. Found some resources that helped me especially when referencing the counter number to the indicator when using innerText. Still this was a fun project. All Feedback is welcome!

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    Advice generator app

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    All feedback is welcome! This was a fun project to at least understand how API's work and how to use the async await method than promise

  • Submitted

    This was a fun project and it was able to built my confidence in using if and else statements. I also looked at some examples and references and I saw that people were using the "keydown" event and not the "input" addeventlistener. Can someone explain the difference.

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    News homepage

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    This was a fun project that I allowed me to build a webpage and I found using the CSS Grid Layout Module to organize the layout. It build my confidence. Feedback welcome!

  • Submitted

    While doing this project, I realized we can change the bullet point from an unordered list and use the list-style-image: url(''); to add the icons.

    All Feedback is Welcome!

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    All Feedback is Welcome! Had issues with CSS media queries and will start to use Grids more than flexbox

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    Instead of using margin like auto to center my outer-container, I stated using flexbox method. I did had issue when adding @media queries when designing the mobile section.

    All Feedback is welcome, Thank you!

  • Submitted

    All Feedback is welcome! I used W3Schools as references to solve the problem and had a bit of trouble when adding media queries when I shrink the screen.