jad alromhein
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Simple blog preview card page solved using basic HTML & CSS elements.
#bootstrapSubmitted 3 days agoOne specific area of my project where I would appreciate some help is improving the user experience when the live URL is opened. Currently, when the page loads, it doesn't automatically center the view on the card container, which is the main focus of the design. Instead, it seems to open at a random section of the page, requiring manual scrolling to see the content properly.
If anyone could explain how to adjust the settings so that, upon loading, the page zooms in and centers on the card container, I would be grateful. Whether it involves CSS tweaks, JavaScript, or viewport adjustments, I'd love to learn the best practice for making sure users immediately see the container front and center when they open the page.
Simple Social links profile solved using basic HTML & CSS code.
#bootstrapSubmitted 5 days agoPlease feedback me with any missed points.
Simple recipe page solved using basic HTML & CSS elements.
#bootstrapSubmitted 5 days agoalso nothing.