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  • @guimar86


    Please check the warnings on accessibility and html validation. On the other note it looks great and its responsive as expected. I would only suggest to remove the blurry effect on the navigation bar once the screen is reduced since it's no longer a navbar. Also the images at the bottom maybe resize them to the same size. Other than that, it's great. Keep it up

  • @dknyd


    Hey People!

    So I am doing a little project now, I am remaking all my so far done challenges with tools I have learnt since then, this one is my first actualy try in using bootstrap in any of my projects (I guess it obvious if you look at the code :D) so I would very much be in your debt for any constructive comments.

    My obvious question is: Am I using bootstrap instead of media queries the right way? The layout changes from width of sm and up to desktop view, I have tried to implement it and it seems to work but Im not sure this is best practice.

    I have tried using rem mostly as unit as I have read on github best practice for units that it scales pretty well, and it seems it indeed does, the layout is fully responsive as far as I can tell.

    Thank in advance as usual!




    HI Daniel, I had the same question a few days ago and watched this video to help clarify: But from my perspective I can tell you that bootstrap is a shortcut learning the latest css feature will be more beneficial on the long run. Right now I am actually working only with bootstrap as I want to master it but I will pick up Flexbox and Grid right after.

  • David 60



    Hi guys👋, I'm new in this field, at the moment I only have some html and css notions and I would really appreciate if you would point out the mistakes I make and how to improve 😊

    • Main problem; making rensposive website, i don't know how to make it, so could you pls link me some guide?

    Thank you so much in advance😁 and enjoy the rest of the day☀️



    Hi David, I would recommend you have a look at Flexbox, Grid or Bootstrap to get the hang of responsive websites. Either way, you are on a good path. Keep it up

  • @guimar86


    Hi Rudhi, it's looking great. Loved what you did with the menu bar and the side bar menu as well. One suggestion would be to provide some bottom padding to the attribution text, as a user it feels like we need to stretch the eye to ready it. Keep it up

  • Kevin 160



    Any feedback please will be really appreciated. Thanks



    HI Kevin, looking good. I tried clicking on the New button and could not get the menu to close after that. Also have a look at the accessibility report and the html validation report provided here to improve on a few things. Keep it up
