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  • @Prakash1411


    I'm having issues with adding padding/margin at the bottom of mobile view. Tried adding padding & margin to the main & body but no space is occurring at the end the page in mobile view. Please help me out, if anyone knows this trick. Thanks!!



    Hi, good solution. I think I know where the problem is. The height of the main is set to 100px, so there is no space to add margin or padding. This also causes its content to overflow. You could fix it by changing 600px to 100% or giving it more height in px. I hope I have helped you. ๐Ÿ‘

  • @fico444


    hello, I give a few tips... The more easy way to do this is using flex. You need a parent container with de display set as flex, by default display-direction is set as row, this makes the two containers inside sit next to each other without needing to use display: inline-block (for movile you must set display-direction: column using media queries). The containers have different heights because if the height property is not set, they adapt to their content using the height of their parent container as the maximum height, in this case, body. I hope I helped you. If you want, I invite you to see the solution in my profile. Surely my solution is not the best and it can be improved but it can serve as a guide. See ya ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Marked as helpful

  • @fico444


    Hi Maila it's a nice solution. I only found a detail: If the user does not select any rating and presses submit, the script shows the thank you card. It must show a warning or a message. You can solve this by declaring ex as a global variable, calling from the HTML only the hide function, and adding a check inside it. Something like this...

    var ex = 0;

    function esconde(el) {

     if( ex == 0 ){
         var display = document.getElementById(el).style.display;
         if(display == "none")
              document.getElementById(el).style.display = 'block';
          document.getElementById(el).style.display = 'none';


    I didn't test it so it may have some error but that would be the idea... I hope I have helped, regards ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Marked as helpful

  • @fico444


    Hello, good solution. I only have two recommendations.

    • If there is a selection displayed it should close when you click on another. It is not bad that they are left open if that is the desired behavior.
    • When all FAQs are open on screens less than 961px the content overflows. I hope this comment is useful ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  • Pedro Ingroโ€ข 150



    Hey. This is my second challenge using JavaScript, so I tried my best to do what I knew at the time. I would like all possible feedback on the JS part of how it could be done, what I could change and how this challenge could have been solved in a simpler way.



    Hi, congrats it's an excellent solution. I only found two details:

    • the border on the submit button
    • If the user does not select any rating and presses submit, the script shows the thank you card. It must show a warning or a message. ;)

    Marked as helpful

  • @fico444


    Hola, buen trabajo, quedo muy parecido al diseรฑo original. La unica recomendacion que podria darte es que reemplces los span y los p de tu codigo html por encabezados del tipo h1al h6 ya que estas son etiquetas semanticas y ayudan a la accesibilidad y el posicionamiento CEO. Por lo demas todo perfecto, espero haberte ayudado en algo. Saludos.

  • Nelson Nzewiโ€ข 270



    • I found using the <picture> element difficult, I'm wondering if there is a better solution. Is there a better way of achieving the same result?
    • What can I do to improve the accessibility of my site?



    Hello, the correct way is using picture tag, but there are other ways to do it. 1- Using background-image. in the @media code block just change the url of the background-image. 2- If you want to use img tag on your html you have to use two, one with display: none (remains hidden) and other with display: inline-block. Then in the @media code block switch the values to display the correct image. I hope I could help you. ;)

  • Real uNondabaโ€ข 90



    I encountered difficulty while I was applying media query for phone screen size, I did not know how to change the desktop design image to a mobile design image. Did I use the correct HTML mark up? Are my styles for elements suitable for phone screen size?



    Hello, i solve that using background-image. in the @media code block just change the url of the background-image. If you want to use img tag on your html you have to use two, one with display: none (remains hidden) and other with display: inline-block. Then in the @media code block switch the values to display the correct image. Sorry for my english, I hope I could help you. ;)

    Marked as helpful
