@eugenederiiAll comments
- @brammilevsSubmitted 7 days ago@eugenederiiPosted 7 days ago
Yes, your code uses some semantic elements like <main>, <h1>, <h3>, <ul>, <ol> and <table>. However, there are some points that could be improved:
For a table, you can add column headings to improve accessibility for screen readers. Using <th> for headings will help.
yes, but different from the design
the code is poorly structured and not readable
fundamentally different from the layout, almost no css was used
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- @josephXplorerSubmitted 22 days ago@eugenederiiPosted 8 days ago
Heading Levels: Using <h1> for "Jessica Randall" is not ideal, as this is the user’s name and not the primary heading of the page. You should use a separate <h1> tag for the main page title, such as "Social Links Profile," outside the profile card. The user’s name can be an <h2> tag instead.
Links: Instead of using <div class="website">GitHub</div>, you should use <a href="#" class="website">GitHub</a> to make these clickable and semantically indicate they are links.
In general, yes, but it is possible to improve the names of the classes and bring out all the styles in CSS 5. -
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- @xbroindiaSubmitted 29 days ago@eugenederiiPosted 8 days ago
Semantic elements such as <article>, <header>, <footer> are missing in the code. It is recommended to replace <div class="Blog-Card"> with <article> and class="info" with <section> to improve the structure.
Add alt text for author profile image (<img src="./assets/images/image-avatar.webp" alt="Avatar of Greg Hooper">) to improve accessibility.
4.The .highlight class can be made more versatile for any highlighted text. 5Visually, the project looks similar to the given example.
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- @Yiftach-YaakovSubmitted 8 days ago@eugenederiiPosted 8 days ago
- There is a semantic error in this solution, for example, p is used instead of h1, it is better to use <article class="card"> instead of <div class="card">
- the alt is missing in the img
- omitted indents
- The code is well structured, readable
- yes