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  • @emjayruka


    Hey @Devn777. I can see that you've put a lot of effort and dedication into this. I'd like to offer some constructive feedback that may enhance the overall structure and functionality of your work. It seems the project relies heavily on generic <div> tags rather than utilizing semantic HTML elements such as <main>, <nav>, and <footer>. Incorporating these elements can significantly improve the document's structure, making it more accessible and easier to understand.

    For example, everything from your <div.card> to <span.smalltext> could be wrapped in a <main> tag, while the <div.attribute> could be replaced with a <footer> tag.

    You also didn't add the border-radius property to your QR image.

    Lastly, you should get rid of the style tag contained in the head tag since you've already created a file containing your styles

    I believe these adjustments will benefit your future projects and also contribute to their overall accessibility and maintainability.

    I hope I was of help.

    Well done for completing this challenge. HAPPY CODING

  • @emjayruka


    Hey @julietoge,

    Your solution is commendable, even excellent.

    In the event that you do not possess the Figma design files, I would like to suggest utilizing a browser extension named Perfect Pixel.

    This extension enables you to conduct precise comparisons between your completed project and the design images provided upon downloading the project, facilitating accurate dimension verification. Its functionality can prove invaluable in your future projects.

    I hope you found this helpful

    Keep up the excellent work!

    Marked as helpful

  • @emjayruka


    Dear KTDKasp,

    I have reviewed your solution and find it commendable, even excellent.

    In the event that you do not possess the Figma design files, I would like to suggest utilizing a browser extension named Perfect Pixel.

    This extension enables you to conduct precise comparisons between your completed project and the design images provided upon downloading the project, facilitating accurate dimension verification. Its functionality can prove invaluable in your future projects.

    Hope you found this helpful

    Keep up the excellent work!

  • Ghosk04• 30



    The most difficult for me was to position items on the website, cause my items were not align like they would be. I'm perfectly of what i wrote in my code. I just want to know if is it a way to do this challenge easier than mine. Thank you!



    Hey Ghosk04. I can see that you've put a lot of effort and dedication into this. I'd like to offer some constructive feedback that may enhance the overall structure and functionality of your work. It seems the project relies heavily on generic <div> tags rather than utilizing semantic HTML elements such as <main>, <nav>, and <footer>. Incorporating these elements can significantly improve the document's structure, making it more accessible and easier to understand. For example, the <div.main> could be replaced with a <main> tag, while the <div.attribute> could be replaced with a <footer> tag.

    Also, to position your "<div.big-box>," I would suggest:

    height: 100vh; justify-content: center; align-items: center; max-width: 375px (the recommended width by the design)

    I believe these adjustments will benefit your future projects and also contribute to their overall accessibility and maintainability.

    I hope I was of help.

    Well done for completing this challenge. HAPPY CODING

    Marked as helpful

  • @emjayruka


    Hey azgpapi. I'd like to offer some constructive feedback that may enhance the overall structure and functionality of your work. It seems the project relies heavily on generic <div> tags rather than utilizing semantic HTML elements such as <main>, <nav>, and <footer>. Incorporating these elements can significantly improve the document's structure, making it more accessible and easier to understand. For example, the <div.container> could be replaced with a <main> tag while the <> could be replaced with a <footer> tag.

    I also noticed an issue with image linking, as your image doesn't seem to load correctly. Ensure that you are using the correct file paths or URLs.

    I'd also like to offer a gentle reminder to consider following style guidelines more closely.

    I believe these adjustments will benefit your future projects and also contribute to their overall accessibility and maintainability.

    I hope I was of help.

    Well done for completing this challenge. HAPPY CODING

  • @emjayruka


    Hey nanishipi. I can see that you've put a lot of effort and dedication into this. I'd like to offer some constructive feedback that may enhance the overall structure and functionality of your work. It seems the project relies heavily on generic <div> tags rather than utilizing semantic HTML elements such as <main>, <nav>, and <footer>. Incorporating these elements can significantly improve the document's structure, making it more accessible and easier to understand. For example, the <div.container> could be replaced with a <main> tag, while the <div.attribute> could be replaced with a <footer> tag.

    I believe these adjustments will benefit your future projects and also contribute to their overall accessibility and maintainability.

    I hope I was of help.

    Well done for completing this challenge. HAPPY CODING

    Marked as helpful

  • @emjayruka


    Hey Abhishek, nice work! I can see that you've put a lot of effort and dedication into this. I'd like to offer some constructive feedback that may enhance the overall structure and functionality of your work. It seems the project relies heavily on generic <div> tags rather than utilizing semantic HTML elements such as <main>, <nav>, and <footer>. Incorporating these elements can significantly improve the document's structure, making it more accessible and easier to understand. For example, the <div.container> could be replaced with a <main> tag while the <div.attribute> could be replaced with a <footer> tag.

    I also noticed an issue with image linking, as your image doesn't seem to load correctly. Ensure that you are using the correct file paths or URLs.

    I believe these adjustments will benefit your future projects and also contribute to their overall accessibility and maintainability.

    I hope I was of help.

    Well done for completing this challenge. HAPPY CODING
