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    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Any feedback is welcome. Thank you!

  • Submitted

    This challenge was bit difficult for me because I have never built a multi-step form before. I struggled to figure out how to manage the state and form validations. And since I haven't used most of these tools in my personal projects before I had to learn them while trying to build this component. But I am glad I decided to use different tools such as React-hook-form, Zod, Zustand, and Shadcn UI. I usually don't use any of these in my projects because I recreate everything from scratch. But once I figured how to use these tools the build became a little easier. And now I can say I love these tools. Especially Shadcn UI.

    Any feedback is welcome. Especially with Zustand. I followed the documentation but I can't help but wonder if there might have been an easier way to use it.

    Thank you.

  • Submitted

    This was a fun challenge. I just learn how to use the html picture tag to easily switch images based on the breakpoints. Love that!

    Any feedback is welcomed. After all, that's how we learn and grow as developers. Thanks in advance.

  • Submitted

    This was a fun challenge. I love using vite and tailwindcss. Any feedback is welcome. After all, that's how we grow as developers.

    Thank you!

  • Submitted

    Added a success page after form is submitted. Any feedback is welcome. Thanks!!!

  • Submitted

    Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!!!

  • Submitted

    Any kind of feedback is appreciated!

    Thank you!!!

  • Submitted

    This was an easy and fun challenge. Any feedback will be appreciated. That's how we grow as developers.

    Thank you!!!

  • Submitted

    What I found difficult and challenging about this challenge was working with NextJs 13 and Redux toolkit. This was my first time trying out the nextjs 13 since the release of version 13. And redux toolkit was something that I've always wanted to try but felt intimidated by. Especially trying to persist the cart state with redux-persist. I didn't use any extra library for the image slider and the lightbox. Which was something I am extremely happy about. My typescript is still a little shaky so I would love a feedback on that or anything else that I need to be aware of or improve.

    Thank you!!!

  • Submitted

    This one was challenge for sure! Since it was my first time working with any kind of content management system. There were a lot of researching about integrating sanity with nextjs, and making api calls to sanity backend. And also creating a page transition with framer motion. The page transition was a bit much but I wanted to try some different. And I also ran into cross-origin and eslint issues while deploying the application. Overall, this challenge was very helpful since I have been trying to find a way to push myself to working with cms. Anywho any feedback would be appreciated.

    After all, that's how we grow as developers.

    Thank you!!

  • Submitted

    Although a simple challenge, I had a difficult time trying to resize the images at the bottom of the page to have the same length in width and height without looking strange. But overall, it was a fun challenge. Any feedback is welcome. After all, that's how we grow and learn as developers.

    Thank you!

  • Submitted

    This was a fun challenge to participate in for sure. I added cypress testing to this project because I am currently learning cypress and I am also trying to get into the habit of testing my applications. Also it is required at my job. The cypress test might have been an over-kill but I think this challenge allowed me to practice what I have been learning. And it has shifted my perspective on testing my applications.

    BTW, I don't know if this is only happening on my computer but when I open the application with firefox and click on the button to generate new data, it doesn't make the call. But that doesn't happen chrome. So if anyone can share some light on why it is behaving like that in firefox that would be great!

    Thank you! And keeping learning. That's how we grow as developers.

  • Submitted

    The most difficult part about this challenge was deploying it because of the way I had structured my folders. The deployment host could not locate my CSS file until I took everything out the public folder and placed it in the root folder.

    But other than that, this was a fun challenge. It gave the opportunity to work on my tailwind skills.

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. After all, That's how we grow as developers.

  • Submitted

    This challenge has made me step outside my comfort zone to try new technologies such as Next Js, Firebase, and Tailwind CSS. I struggled implementing my very first dark mode with Next JS. And it made me want to smash my computer.

    But in the end, I am glad I decided to challenge myself by using these new technologies to create this application. The process of learning each technology and then trying to combine them together to create something beautiful was amazing.

    So, any feedback would be gladly appreciated. That's how we grow us developers.

  • Submitted

    The difficult part of the challenge was making the social media svg icon change color to a linear-gradient color. I searched and try other solutions from stack overflow and other website but still could not change the color to a linear-gradient color. So if anyone figure it out could you please let me know. Besides that, this was a pretty fun build. I had to rely on a few reusable components. Which I was happy to be able to do because I usually do not rely on them a lot even though that's the whole point of using a JavaScript library like react.

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. That's how we grow as developers.

  • Submitted

    I had a difficulties trying to get the border country full name instead of their code name. I tried and tried, researched, tutorials but I could not figure it out. So if anyone was able to figure it out, kindly please let me know how you were able to do that. Any feedback is welcome. That's how we learn and grow. Thank you.