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    Any feedback is welcome!

    I'm not sure if I did this right. I did try to follow the mobile-first approach! Which did help a lot.

  • Submitted

    Another one done before my semester starts! I've been trying to use more percentages and other units for sizing. Are there other practices that I should be following?

    Any feedback is welcome!

  • Submitted

    I'm still currently playing around with grids. For this exercise, I am not sure why the container wasn't wrapping when I adjusted the size. So I just set the column flow to row when adjusted.

    Any feedback is welcome!

  • Submitted

    Another challenge is done!

    There are some parts I am still confused about like where or when to use Grid vs Flex, Inline blocks, etc... Would like some help there.

    Also, the spacing on the ETH and days is off, I tried using a column gap in that section.

    And any other problems, please do say so! Feedback is welcome :))

  • Submitted

    I found this one quite hard to do and I am not sure if I did the positioning right. The mobile view is messy as well.

    If anyone has any tips on positioning and other issues, I'd like to learn them!

    Feedback is appreciated :)

  • Submitted

    Hi there!

    Had a fun time doing this one. If there are certain areas wherein it looks off please say so :) Also, are there certain rules when it comes to naming classes?

    Any feedback is welcome :))

  • Submitted

    Hi there! Did an easier task for today but I've always had this problem even with past challenges. I need help in aligning the container at the center of the page. I use margin auto to center it row-wise but column-wise it's just up there so I use margin-top to fix the problem. I don't know if that's a good option though.

    Feedback welcome :))

  • Submitted

    This one took quite a bit more time... Although it was fun!

    Areas I had a hard time with:

    1. Positioning. Sometimes the text goes off center and at times padding won't work.
    2. Mobile version. In the mobile version, the color I used on the picture went off the picture a bit and I was unsure what caused that. There were also alignment issues...

    Feedback is greatly appreciated, please! Thank you :)

  • Submitted

    There were quite a few things I struggled with and one of them is the responsiveness of the website. I am not sure if I did the sizing right.

    I would love some feedback on the work, as I am a beginner :)