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    Multipage site built with TypeScript, NextJS, and Tailwind CSS,

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    • JS


    The trickiest part of the this project was the map. At first I tried to code the map markers by building styled elements over the map background. Getting things to stay when the map resized was tricky so in the end, I positioned things as they should be, and just grabbed a screen shot, now the map is a static image.

    I also learned that for simplicity, I shouldn't use camel-casing when naming files ... Also, when using tailwind, if a class is to be dynamic, and incorporate, say, hyphens, one should not interpose expressions within hyphens when using template literals. It's better that the expression evaluates to the entire hyphenated string. The README will have more details.

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    Full Stack Drag and Drop Todo App

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    Drag and drop was tough lol. Overall architecture needs improvement as well. Pretty sure I can go back in and refactor somethings Oh and it's live so if you test it out, please don't write anything offensive 😕

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    E-learning (I Hate Images Edition)

    • HTML
    • CSS


    Dear god working with the images drove me crazy. I went from trying to get it to stay in the corner so I made it a background image, but that looked weird on the widest screens (in retrospect I realize I could've just given that portion of the site, what I called the header, a max width as well 🤦🏾‍♂️. At any rate, I built an image component instead and used an image tag. I positioned it's wrapper with flex box and the image within with absolute positioning. I also didn't make it responsive so that it didn't shrink with the screen which looked weird. If anyone out there has a better solution, I'm all ears 😂

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    Responsive Product-Preview Card Component

    • HTML
    • CSS


    So many questions. I'm still wrapping my head around Typescript for starters. Having to declare the type of values passed as props is going to take some getting used to. And how can do this and still de-structure my props?

    Using tailwindcss for the first time was also fun. I feel like using it more effectively will require more careful planning, e.g. setting up my theme configuration rather than shotgunning values into every class using square brackets.

    I'm also not sure what the best way to deploy a react-app to github is. I lazily uploaded the production build so nothing can be seen of the individual components or anything. I'll probably go back and fix this after a bit of research...