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  • Submitted

    Easier than expected. Implementing the theme switcher was surprisingly painless. Not sure how accessible this is though. I'll see what the report says and go from there.

  • Submitted

    Did alright here. Definitely improving but I still have more work to do. Getting the testimonials bit to work was more challenging than I like to admit, but I'm happy with how it turned out!

    Critiques welcome.

  • Submitted

    Need to continue working on my HTML/CSS skills. Luckily these challenges in particular are great for that. Also, I really need to start using breakpoints more liberally. Trying to design a site like this with just one breakpoint at 770px simply isn't working.

  • Submitted

    Not perfect, but good enough me thinks. Going to move on to some Level 2 stuff from here on out.

    Commentary welcome as always.

  • Submitted

    Spent way more time on this then I'd have liked to, and it still isn't right. Getting the images to behave as intended was the main culprit. Will definitely need to work on that. React made making the accordion easy, thankfully.

  • Submitted

    This one was pretty straightforward. React was utterly unnecessary but the continued experience is nice. Hopefully I got the dimensions right this time around!

  • Submitted

    Going to build everything with React from here on out. Even if its a bit overkill for these smaller projects it doesn't hurt to get the practice. Also, hosting React projects with Github Pages is a pain. Vercel is much more straightforward!

  • Submitted

    First of many projects from Front End Mentor I want to complete. Any and all feedback is welcome. Seriously, if I'm doing something stupid in here please let me know.