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  • @anishdai00


    finally my third project .hope you will like it .help me to learn more ,by suggesting new ideas and techniques.




    Hello, @anishdai00! 😊 Congratulations on completing your third project.

    I'm having difficulties providing feedback, but I've also sent you a pull request on GitHub where I've left some tips to help improve your programming skills.

    Best of luck with your future projects on Frontend Mentor! 🚀

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  • TekNellCo 40



    Will be working on mobile versions of my projects soon. The cube is a little off because I was looking at the "active states" picture and it didnt match the shadow. Didnt realize the 'desktop preview' was normal. Also, im working on a 4k monitor so it may seem bigger on different resolutions but on mines it matches the photo, size-wise.




    Hello TekNellCo! 👋

    I've been reviewing your JavaScript code and I've sent some suggestions to your GitHub repository as a pull request. I recommend that you read documentation focused on scopes in JavaScript and the differences between var, let, and const.

    As for the HTML document, it's well-structured (don't forget to fill in the alt attributes), and the design is truly impressive, although a bit large! 😄 But overall, you're doing a great job.

    Keep it up; you're close to completing your project! 🚀

    If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to ask. Keep it up! 😊👨‍💻🌟

  • @ElijahPoblete


    i find looking for the background of the image difficult i think. I am unsure of its reponsiveness. I also think that i have a disorganized code. Please give me some advice about how i structure my code. I'm still new to coding so i would be happy for for every criticism and advices thank you!




    "I've been reviewing your code, and you're on the right track. 👏

    Below, I'll give you some recommendations, but don't worry about making the code perfect. The important thing at the beginning is to discover and learn new techniques without worrying too much about optimization.

    1. I recommend formatting your code properly. You can use a formatter like Prettier in VSC (Visual Studio Code). 🧹

    2. Avoid creating too many <div> elements and look for HTML elements that can represent the blocks you're creating. Instead of using the <div class="caption"> tag, you can use the <figcaption> tag along with the <figure> tag, which associates an image with its description. Look into the concept of HTML semantics!

    3. While you're starting out, focus on simplifying the design and don't try to add too many HTML elements to make it easier to write CSS. I'm referring to the hyperlinks you added to the text; they weren't necessary, but they're good for practice.

    4. Another recommendation, not directly related to the project itself, is to avoid using fixed heights. I recommend that the height of the element is calculated based on its children; it will make your design work easier. I've also used a fixed height 😄, but I recommend not using them.

    5. Use comments to understand what the code is doing so that when you come back to it in the future, you'll have an easier time grasping it. Over time, as you advance in your learning, you'll need them less and less.

    6. In this practice, it's not necessary to use media queries because the design adapts well to all devices. So avoid making unnecessary modifications if they're not needed. It will make your life easier! 😜

    7. Try to group each content into its corresponding directories/folders. I'm referring to the two screenshots; you can place them inside the 'images' directory and create another subdirectory in there if needed.

    Other than that, congratulations on your project, and kudos for embarking on this wonderful journey into the world of programming. Keep it up, and you'll go far. Go for it! 🚀👨‍💻"

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