I didn't manage to make a transition between the 2 views.
I tried adding & removing a ".visibility" class which deals with visibility & opacity, but the transition wouldn't be visible.
I didn't manage to make a transition between the 2 views.
I tried adding & removing a ".visibility" class which deals with visibility & opacity, but the transition wouldn't be visible.
What would you recommend to make it even better?
I've been having a lot of trouble with the height lately, it's either too big or too small, what would you recommend?
I tried to make the share button a lot, I couldn't do it, can you help me, how can I do it? I don't have any knowledge about javascript yet.
it looks so bad for now so sorry i will definitely fix it tomorrow
This was the first time I used CSS Grid in a project, it was quite challenging but I liked that I was able to use it.
Any tip will help a lot!
congratulations i finished it without css grid and flexbox :)
I know that I have many shortcomings but I really tried hard to make the site look like I am waiting for your help I need help I am new to the front end field I am waiting for your opinions thank you in advance
I misspelled it because my English is bad, what I mean is I tried really hard to make the site, I'm waiting for your help, I'm new to the front end field, thank you in advance
Hello everyone! Please go through my code and let me know of any improvements that I can work on. it took me 4 hours to get this done...is it extremely slow? I would like to know if
I think you should reduce your height a little and other than that it's really nice