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All comments

  • @Mohamedkh369


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    i am proud of achieving this exact layout and improving my knowledge and skills of css grid

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?


    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?


    Neto 170



    "Congratulations on the challenge, it turned out great and very similar!"

  • @cas1092


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    i'm really proud of this solution, i did it all by myself having in consideration all the notes of my peers.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    i knew it was a grid challenge, so i tried to made all the components grid-type, eventually y realized that only the big container with the cards should be grids and use flexbox in the others.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?


    Neto 170




    Congratulations on your work! Your solution has evolved very well, and although there are some areas that can be improved, you’re on the right track.

    I was pleased to see that you used a CSS Reset. Consider creating a separate .css file for it and importing it into the HTML—this helps with code organization, readability, and future maintenance. Additionally, it’s a good practice to include font references directly in the HTML.

    Your choice of Display Grid was a great solution, but I would suggest experimenting with Display Flex to improve the responsiveness of the cards. A few adjustments to the font size and weight can also make a significant difference in the overall visual appeal.

    You’ve already mastered CSS and are ready to explore frameworks that can make building future pages easier. How about trying Bootstrap or Tailwind in your next project?

    If you need any help, feel free to reach out to me. Once again, congratulations on your solution!

  • P



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I am glad to learn about flexbox and css and use it in this project and thanks to other resources i found online and other ai models which helped me finish this project.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I had challenges in using grid layout and using the pseudo selector and assisgn the property

    Neto 170



    You did an excellent job using pure CSS. Well done! Just consider adjusting the font size of the main title, as it currently matches the subtitle in size but with a different weight. Additionally, the text inside the card has some padding on the right. Making these small tweaks will likely make your solution even more accurate.

    Marked as helpful

  • @shojebscodeplay


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    atleast done

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    font selecting

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Almost same but not perfect

    Neto 170



    Your solution looks really good. There are just a few visual tweaks needed:

    • The borders are a bit too rounded. Try decreasing the border radius of the card and slightly increasing the border radius of the button.
    • Pay attention to the font sizes overall, the line spacing in the text, as well as the text weight and alignment.

    Overall, your solution is great. If you need any help, I’m here to assist.

    Marked as helpful

  • Joewanaaa 80



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Finishing this project

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Image. I have to adjust the image pixel by pixel per size of the screen. The colors, I don't know if it's just me but I had a hard time differentiating the colors?

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Any feedback will be much appreciated. Thank you!

    Neto 170



    It seems that the image is a bit distorted, probably because you applied specific height and width settings, which affected the original aspect ratio. Try to work with the image tags and avoid altering the height directly on the image.

    The background color is different from the provided solution. Please review the spacing and border-radius of both the card and the image. This is often an aspect people overlook, especially since it can be challenging to redesign just from the image without the Figma file.

    Overall, your solution is very good. Great job on your work! Keep studying, practicing, and improving. If you need any help, feel free to reach out. Best of luck!

    Marked as helpful

  • cyberpng 10



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    O que me deixou mais satisfeita nesse projeto foi ter conseguido deixar ele responsivo para telas menores, visto que era um desafio para mim.

    Neto 170



    Parabéns pela solução! Ficou muito bom, nota-se que você desenvolveu bem sua folha de estilo com CSS. Acredito que já está no nível para implementar uma lib como o Bootstrap ou Tailwind. Continue se esforçando que o resultado virá, se precisar de algum apoio pode contar comigo.

  • Nishant CM 140



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    This project is simple when it is built using Bootstrap 5 and it has given so much to learn when you use Bootstrap to build a webpage and deploy it in Vercel. I have learned so many new things by doing this project.

    Neto 170



    You've come very close to the solution. I believe that by fine-tuning the Bootstrap padding classes (px) for the buttons, you'll be even closer to the model. It would also be beneficial to adjust the fonts, either by using Bootstrap's fs classes or by making changes directly in the SCSS file used in your project. Overall, revisiting the spacing to match the model more closely will bring your project nearer to the proposed challenge.

    You're on the right track; keep improving the accessibility of your HTML to make your code easier to structure and analyze in the future. Well done!

  • Neto 170



    "Your work looks fantastic. I reviewed your code to understand how you arrived at this solution, and I was impressed by how efficiently you achieved the result with such concise code. It’s both simple and effective. Well done!"

  • Neto 170



    Does the Solution Include Semantic HTML? The solution demonstrates a good use of semantic HTML, which is great for accessibility and SEO. Elements like <main>, <h1>, <p>, and <footer> were well utilized. However, to further improve semantics, you might consider using tags like <article> or <section> to better structure the content, especially if the card is part of a larger layout.

    Accessibility and Possible Improvements Accessibility has been well addressed, but there’s always room for improvement. Here are a few suggestions:

    Alt Text: The alt text for images should be more descriptive, such as "Cover image of the article" instead of "illustration-article." This enhances the experience for screen reader users. Color Contrast: Ensure that the color contrast between text and background is sufficient for visually impaired users. Tools like the WebAIM Contrast Checker can help with this. Keyboard Focus: Ensuring that all interactive elements are accessible via keyboard is crucial. Test site navigation using only the keyboard to verify the user experience. Layout Across Different Screen Sizes The layout seems to work well across various screen sizes, showing a good responsive approach. The centralization of content and the use of Bootstrap classes are good choices. However, be sure to test on very small and large devices to ensure the layout remains consistent.

    Code Structure, Readability, and Reusability The code is well-structured and easy to follow, making it maintainable and reusable. Some suggestions:

    Reusability: Avoid using inline styles. Move them to an external stylesheet to keep the code cleaner and more reusable. Class Organization: Grouping related classes in the CSS can improve readability. Also, consider using more descriptive class names to clarify the purpose of each element. Differences from the Original Design The solution seems to closely match the original design provided by Frontend Mentor. If there are any differences, it might be helpful to mention them and explain the design decisions made to help others understand your creative process.

  • @najahaja


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    For the QR code project, I'm most proud of how well the design aligns with the provided specifications, particularly the responsive design that adapts seamlessly to both mobile and desktop screens. The clean and organized CSS ensures the component is both visually appealing and easy to maintain. Successfully deploying the project via GitHub Pages and making it accessible online was also a significant achievement.

    Looking ahead, I would focus on enhancing accessibility features and optimizing performance by minifying assets and optimizing images. Adding interactivity with JavaScript and conducting broader cross-browser testing are areas for improvement. Additionally, providing more detailed documentation and comments in the code would make it easier to understand and maintain in the future.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    During this basic QR code project, I faced a couple of challenges that required problem-solving. Initially, I overlooked the importance of using different styles for mobile and desktop displays, which affected the layout's responsiveness. To resolve this, I researched and implemented media queries in CSS, allowing me to adapt the design for various screen sizes effectively.

    Another challenge was integrating Google Fonts into the project. I struggled with the correct method to link and apply the font, which initially led to formatting issues. After some investigation, I discovered the proper way to embed Google Fonts by including the appropriate tag in the HTML and applying the font-family in the CSS. These solutions not only fixed the problems but also provided me with valuable insights for future projects.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I would appreciate help with a few specific areas of my project. Firstly, I’d like feedback on my use of media queries to ensure effective responsive design across various screen sizes. I'm particularly interested in confirming that my styles for mobile and desktop views are applied correctly and that the layout remains consistent on different devices.

    Additionally, I successfully integrated Google Fonts, but I'm curious about best practices for font loading and performance optimization. Any advice on enhancing loading speed or improving font rendering across different browsers would be valuable.

    I’m also seeking input on the organization and efficiency of my CSS. Suggestions for making my stylesheet more efficient or improving code readability and maintainability would be helpful.

    Ensuring cross-browser compatibility is another area where I need guidance. I would appreciate recommendations on tools or techniques for testing and fixing compatibility issues to ensure a consistent display across major browsers.

    Finally, I’d like to enhance the accessibility of my project. Feedback on my use of ARIA roles and properties, as well as any additional accessibility improvements, would help make my site more usable for everyone.

    Thank you in advance for any insights or suggestions you can provide on these aspects of my project.

    Neto 170



    Your project is well-executed, and you're very close to achieving the desired solution. One area where you might improve is by adjusting the width of the card or the image. By fine-tuning these elements, and perhaps also tweaking the font sizes, you could enhance the overall alignment and visual balance of your design. This would bring your solution even closer to the original challenge design. Keep up the great work!

    Marked as helpful
