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  • @charbavito


    Hello there āœŒļøšŸ˜Š

    First of first, congratulations on solving the challenge. Your result is very accurate according to the Design Reference. Congratulations on Pixel Perfection šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€

    I have some suggestions for organizing your projects and also your codes for this challenge

    • With regard to all your projects here at Frontend Mentor, I could see on your Github that you are using the Starter Content files in the wrong way pal. Note that some files like the Design Reference images or even the file are just for reference, they don't need (and shouldn't) be in the project's final repository. A professional tip and practice for this would be, for example, to create a folder called "reference" or "temp" inside your project folder and insert all these reference files into that folder, done that, just insert the name of that folder in the your .gitignore file, that way, when you push it to the Github repository, that reference folder will not be inserted, keeping your project more organized and professional.

    • As far as your codes are concerned. Again, you always use the readme and readme-template reference files in their entirety, note that they only have guidelines on how you could document your project, you should not just use the file they provide, but edit it according to each project you do. Take a look at other programmers' projects here on the platform, or even mine so you can see in practice how you can create your readme.

    In your html code, to solve the problem with the tag <html lang="en"> just use a specific language, like lang="en-us".

    For your div <div class="component">, the most suitable in this case would be to use the <main> semantic tag, it is basically a div, but it is a special div, which will make your code more suitable for the internet. I also recommend instead of using class="component", that you use class="container", this again is more suited to web dev standards.

    I hope these tips help you to better organize your future projects or even adjust your projects already done.


    Be happy! āœŒļøšŸ˜Š

  • @charbavito


    Hey man. How are you? āœŒšŸ»šŸ˜Š I tried to access your code to check and help you to solve the problems and give some advices, but your github it's unavailable. Try to check your links on your solution page. šŸ™‚
