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  • Carl Wicker 1,055



    Hey ya Joako, great work on the layout, I noticed a few minor issues.

    • A user can upvote multiple times.
    • Desktop version should have a larger indent on replies, see design files.
    • Missing CreateAt field displayed on a comment.
    • Fix accessibility and HTML issues in the report.

    Keep up the great work.

    Marked as helpful

  • Carl Wicker 1,055



    Hey ya Priyanka, great job on the layout, looks really good. There are however a few functionality issues...

    • Mobile slideshow of product images isn't working.
    • Delete item from Cart isn't working
    • When the users adds multiple items to the cart, the quantity on the page should reset to 1.
    • You should also consider clearing all the accessibility and HTML issues in the report.

    Keep up the great work!

  • Carl Wicker 1,055



    Hey ya Washington, everything looking good.. I only have a couple of suggestions...

    • dark/light mode not implemented
    • Submit input on Enter keypress for ease of use.
    • fix those pesky accessibility and HTML issues in the report.

    Great work!

  • Carl Wicker 1,055



    Hey ya, just been checking out your solution. There are a few issues, the most important is the speed. There seems to be bottleneck somewhere, as the data is very slow to return.

    It might be worth getting the all API data once and storing it (since it doesn't change) to reduce APIs calls. Maybe that slowing it down, but haven't looked into your code.


    • search functionality is not working from the input field.
    • consider adding a option to clear the filter on the dropdown, i know its not in the design but it makes sense to be able to clear the filter, I believe this was overlooked by the designer.
    • finally, fix those accessibility and HTML issues in the report.

    Layout is looking good, I like your tweaks to the original design.

    Keep up the great work.

    Marked as helpful

  • Carl Wicker 1,055



    Hey ya Nyein, Great job, I cant see any issues. There is a weird media breakpoint on the desktop version which makes stuff jump around. Personally I'd lose the additional break point.

    Keep up the great work.

    Marked as helpful

  • Carl Wicker 1,055



    Hey ya manik, good job on the layout. There are a couple of issues...

    • links aren't saved to local storage, shortened links disappear on page refresh.
    • mobile copy button has no left/right padding.
    • consider doing the input validation check on every change rather than submit.
    • fix html and accessibility issues in the report.

    Keep up the great work.

  • Carl Wicker 1,055



    Hey ya Dusan, all looking good however I've noticed a few small issues.

    • When resizing the page width, section text content has no padding.
    • When hitting the media query breakpoint the mobile navigation briefly appears (something to do with your transition animations I would imagine).
    • Finally, fix those accessibility errors in your solutions report.

    Keep up the great work.

    Marked as helpful

  • saykeed 110



    hy guyz, kindly rate this project, its my first project building with json, you can click the daily, weekly and monthly button to display the data thanks

    Carl Wicker 1,055



    Hey ya Saykeed, the functionality all seems to be working fine however the styling isn't quite right yet. Firstly I'd go through the report and address the issues, start by changing the ids to classes which will clear lots of your reported errors.

    Here's the link for your report if you haven't seen it:

    "id" can be used on an HTML element that appears once on a page, however "class" can be applied to multiple HTML elements.

    The style guide document provides links to the relevant fonts, font sizes and colors, they don't seem to be applied to your solution so take a look at that after you've addressed the report issues.

    Keep up the great work.

  • P
    Noemi Gali 280



    For this project I focused a lot on CSS variables and how to use them properly (check my file for more info). I also kept my code as DRY as I could.

    Not super happy with the way I dealt with the background images and couldn't find a solution that did it better. Any suggestions?

    And as always, I appreciate any feedback! :)

    Carl Wicker 1,055



    Really great work, consider fixing those accessibility issues in the report.

    • There should only be one H1 on a page, so probably move that to the name.
    • Completely remove all the other header tags, consider spans or divs.

    Keep up the great work.

    Marked as helpful

  • @mario-santoro89


    Guys, i made some modification to the code saved succesfully in github(ex the right directory for the images since i'm not still able to create a folder or the js modification for not sliding up a div when opened :)) but the live version still goes on the previous version that i i missing something? thank you! oh, and what size is better to use instead of pixels?Ciao!

    Carl Wicker 1,055



    Hey ya, good job so far... you're not far off getting it right.

    • firstly I'd focus on getting your panel centred on the page, you could achieve this with a few amends to the body CSS and a bit of flexbox centring and a height: 100vh.
    • the floating @box also doesn't appear in the right place when you resize the page, consider again using flex and losing the left and top property and replacing it with a negative margin-left and a positive margin top.
    • accordion FAQ breaks on mobile.

    Not sure what's going on with your git problems.

    Marked as helpful

  • Carl Wicker 1,055



    Hey man, good job on the layout however there are some issues that should be addressed.

    • the page content seems to jump about when you mouse over a product thumbnail
    • default to add to cart should 1 not 0.
    • adding additional items to the cart should be added as a new list item rather than just increasing the quantity.
    • clicking on a navigation clears the cart.

    Finally fix those accessibility and HTML issues in the report.

    Keep up the great work.

    Marked as helpful

  • Benja.min 740



    Hello all! Today I learned about managing global state, using React and Redux. As always, pointers are welcome!

    Thanks very much.

    Carl Wicker 1,055



    Great job on the layout, however there are a few other issues that I thought I'd bring up for consideration.

    • If you click on a nav item it clears the cart, I think this is caused by your hrefs reloading the page, if you going to keep them as clickable links look into react-router otherwise remove the hrefs to stop the page refresh.
    • you should reset the amount of items to add to cart once the add button is pressed to it's defaults back to one.
    • if you add additional items to the cart, I think it's better to add them as a separate list item in the cart.

    Keep up the great work.

    Marked as helpful
