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  • @DavidMachio


    He practicado JavaScriptDOM, recuperando los elementos por id, también convertí el data.json en un data.js, y cree una función que pasándole cualquier data, devolverá la media de los valores.



    Hi @DavidMachio,

    Great job!

    Here are some suggestions for the JavaScript code:

    • Instead of fetching each category individually, consider fetching them all using a common class or a data attribute. For example:
    <div class="date category1" data-category>...</div>
    const categories = document.querySelectorAll('[data-category]');
    • Modify the code to dynamically fill each category using a loop:
    persona.forEach((p, i) => {
      const currCategory = categories[i];
      const icon = currCategory.querySelector('[data-icon]');
      icon.src = p.icon;
      icon.alt = p.category;
      currCategory.querySelector('[data-title]').textContent = p.category;
      currCategory.querySelector('[data-score]').textContent = p.score;
    • Ensure the number of categories in HTML matches the number in data.js, or dynamically create elements if needed:
    <article class="dates" data-categories>...</article>
    const categoriesContainer = document.querySelector('[data-categories]');
    persona.forEach((p) => {
      categoriesContainer.innerHTML += `
        <div class="date category1">
        <div class="datename">
          <img src="${p.icon}" alt="Icono ${p.category}" />
          <h3 class="textcategory1">${p.category}</h3>
        <div class="value-date">
          <h3 class="value">${p.score}</h3>
          <h3 class="total">/ 100</h3>
    • When using a ternary operator to assign a value to a variable, consider assigning the result directly, like this:
    mensaje.textContent = valorMedio <= 90 ? 'You scored higher than 65% of the people who have taken these tests.' : 'You lose';

    I hope it helps!

    Great job overall!
