Is my usage of Media Queries the correct 'practice'?
Any comments on how I should be setting out my code, tips on how to keep it clean/ easier to understand etc.
I know there will inevitably be a few errors in my attempt, but this is the first piece I have completed since taking up Front-end Development so any feedback would be appreciated.
Hey! I can't speak to the best practices of the media queries, but is a little odd to have many when you are basically only changing the font size.
In regards to the font size, stick to one unit of measure (2 max). You used px, vw (which I wouldn't suggest for font, it is view-width where each number is similar to a percentage of the screen) and rem.
It seems you want a good font size for multiple screen sizes, so I suggest using em or rem, because it will alter the size based on the screen. It will definitely cover the difference between 375px to 550px screens and 1000px to 1440px, which in you case will reduce some queries.