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All comments

  • @baileyfrye1


    Fantastic job on this! Love the addition of the box-shadow on hover. Your React looks good and your CSS overall looks solid.

  • @quangphan0102


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    nothing yet.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    im feel free to do it, but i need to make it in time, limited myself at 45mins, little bit out of time at last

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?




    Great job on this! Looks like your repo link and your site link aren't working so I'm not able to look over your code but the spacing and font sizes look great! Only small thing I noticed is that the font-weight for the title is very slightly different but other than that it looks great!

  • P
    josip-h 90



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Building the QR code challenge is a nice and easy introduction to learning the whole process of working on a project. For me the biggest thing I got out of the project is that I got introduced to design tools like Figma and how to use design files to efficiently complete the project. Also, by using the provided README template I learned how to structure and what to include in the project documentation.

    As of now I have not used the git and GitHub that much and in the upcoming projects i will take more care of when to push changes to the repository so as not to push major changes to multiple files at once.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    1. Learning how to use Figma

    By reading articles included on the learning path and by watching a youtube video I've got a good enough introduction to Figma to use the design files provided. Link to mentioned YouTube video: Intro to Figma for Developers

    2. Using git and GitHub

    Also by reading through articles included in the course I refreshed my knowledge about how to use git and Github and was able to do what was needed.

    3. Making file

    By using the provided template for readme file I learned how to structure and what to include in readme file.

    4. Publishing solution on GitHub Pages

    By going through the tutorial on the GitHub Pages homepage, creating a live page for the solution was easy.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    1. Is there a way to make an HTML card component code more accessible?

    2. Did I use the BEM naming convention in the right way?

    3. Would you consider my CSS code to be readable?

    Since I am somewhat new to coding any suggestions on how I can improve my code would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



    Great job on this! Your BEM syntax looks good to me, I also really like your usage of CSS variables on this project. The only improvement I see that could be made is just revisiting the font colors for both the heading tag and the paragraph tag but other than that it looks great.

  • @MiguelDeLaMora


    What did you find difficult while building the project?

    • The thing that i spent more time was on making responsive the page. First I made it with the principles of "Mobile first".

    Which areas of your code are you unsure of?

    • On how I arrange the date and items (flex or grid)

    Do you have any questions about best practices?

    • Yes, on my css



    Hey Miguel! Your CSS overall looks pretty good. Couple pieces of advice I have, I would set your font family on either your body element or on your card, that way you don't have to declare the font-family for each text element. I would also utilize the "margin" shorthand so you don't have to individually set every side. (i.e "margin-bottom: 3em; margin-left: 2.5em; margin-right: 2.5em;" could be set to "margin: 0 2.5em 3em" and "margin-left: 2em; margin-right: 2em;" could be set to "margin-inline: 2em")

    It does look like your image isn't loading, in your HTML you have your image source set to "/images/image-qr-code.png" but in your file structure you do not have an images folder so it is not able to find your image. If you just remove the "/images" from the front of your source everything should work fine. Without seeing the image it's impossible to tell how the CSS looks for the image.

    Great job overall though and great use of responsive CSS units!

    Marked as helpful
