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  • Akshay 10



    Hey, Vicky The site is not working please see a tutorial on YouTube of how to host a website with github and it'll work! and I'm excited to see this project of you because it's responsive!

  • @thedev966


    Since I wanted to improve and put my React JS skills on the next level, I decided to use React JS with Styled Components for this Frontend Mentor challenge. It was a very exciting and challenging experience for me primarily because I didn't want to use vanilla CSS. All the styles I've done using Styled Components and this was roughly my third project in which I used Styled Components, so I'm kinda still new to this. The website is fully responsive from the desktop version (around 1300px) down to 360px (low res mobile phones). If you think something can be improved or could have been coded better way, feel free to let me know.

    Akshay 10



    This is really good solution could've been much better but i see that you have put alot of work into it upper left loops studios could've been more big like the real one is and immersive experiences that deliver text and the border should've been more white i am a lil bit new into website coding world so i don't know about JavaScript but this is really great solution I've seen so far it's dynamic website i wanna see more solutions like this from you
