This is my alternative solution with css grid layout and Vanilla javascript to change the content of the pages by fetching the data from the json local file.
Please, give me your opinion!
Thank you for taking the time to check out my project! And Happy coding ;)
Hey Deniel! It was good to receive your feedback and I decided to take some time to look through some of your projects and I saw this one in your solutions. So I took a look, everything looks good technically. But there are somethings you can fix in a couple of minutes.
In mobile responsive mode, the hamburger menu doesn't appear for me. I am using Firefox btw. Its there, I can guess the location and click on it to open the hamburger menu, and then it shows the Cross button, but after I close the sidebar, the hamburger menu goes invisible.
Like you know, backdrop-filter doesn't work on Firefox, so when the sidebar opens up (or even the navigation header in general), the background just mixes up with the navigation items and become completely unreadable. What you can do is, put a white background when backdrop-filter is unsupported and change the background opacity to something like 0.3. That's just a one line fix 'background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.35)'.
Maybe you were speedrunning this project? Haha, some paragraph elements can use from padding. Easy fixes, right?
I love the keyframes you have put on destination pages. Makes it look dynamic. I will borrow that idea :P Thanks! Please don't sue me T_T
The tablet size has not been optimized as the design asked. But I guess you know that already.