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  • Rowan 210



    Fifth challenge from Frontend Mentor.

    Quite a challenge I might say. I have worked before with flexbox and grid to better arrange divs, but never used the Grid layout as the main concept. I am quite happy with the final result of the mobile design, although I might say the quote-image on the background for some reason doesn't appear. On the other hand, I can see I am struggling with media queries and as such the width on the desktop design looks weird. Because of that, I will appreciate any advice and suggestions on how to improve the Desktop design.

    Again, thanks a lot FrontMentor and FrontMentor team to allow me to challenge my skills and improve my self.

    Don Ana 740



    If your quote-image shows on development, the problem is probably related to the background url:

    If this the case, try changing the path "./images" to "/images" or "images", push to github and see if any of those fixes your issue

    edit: ↓ this probably fixes your problem
