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All solutions

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    -Using JS for the Responsive Navbar -Using SCSS ( variables / mixins / break-points ) -Using HTML5 Semantic Elements ( main/nav/section/article/footer) _Using Grid and flexbox for responsive design

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    Responsive News-homepage

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    I used HTML 5 / SCSS / JS in toggle button the website is responsive any insight on this, it would be great.

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    hello best community , i really enjoy in this challenge . please some advice to enhence my code . thank you

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    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    this project we worked on it with Jeremy and Quentin. they were such profitional team . thank you so much

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    hello devs , this is my first experience with toggle theme LIGHT/DARK using JS and SCSS with mixins and variables .

    for the Responsive i think that will be issues , please give me you feedback .

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    Hello DEVs , I need your feedback for enhance my scss level . i use grid system with scss ( variables and extend ) . it is responsive sections

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    its my first experience i used flex and css grid in mobile version , any remarks are welcome to make this code more clear