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    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

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    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?


    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

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    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?


    Hello! My name is A. Kholidur Rahman, and I’m from Guluk-Guluk, Sumenep, Madura, Indonesia. I’m currently 19 years old. I’m a tech enthusiast who loves exploring the world of programming, especially in web development. In my free time, I enjoy learning new things and tackling challenges that help me improve my skills. I’m excited to share this journey with all of you!

    What I’m Proud Of and What I Would Do Differently Next Time

    So, what I’m most proud of in this project is successfully completing a challenge that had my head spinning! 🎉 From being a jumbled mess at first, it’s now something I can proudly show off. Pretty cool, right? I’m also proud of how much I’ve learned, especially about HTML and CSS. Who knew coding could be so much fun!

    But there are definitely things I could do better next time. Maybe I’ll be a bit more patient when planning before diving into coding. Sometimes I just jump right in without thinking, and the result? It ends up confusing me! 😅 So, next time, I’ll make a clearer plan and maybe ask friends or mentors for advice before starting.

    In summary, I’m really proud of the outcome, but there’s always room for improvement. I hope that in my next project, I can be more organized and structured. Let’s keep coding!


    Halo! Nama saya A. Kholidur Rahman, dan saya berasal dari Guluk-Guluk, Sumenep, Madura, Indonesia. Saat ini, saya berumur 19 tahun. Saya seorang penggemar teknologi dan sangat suka mengeksplorasi dunia pemrograman, terutama di bidang web development. Di waktu luang, saya suka belajar hal-hal baru dan tantangan yang bisa meningkatkan skill saya. Senang bisa berbagi perjalanan ini dengan kalian semua!

    Apa yang Paling Saya Banggakan dan Apa yang Akan Saya Lakukan Secara Berbeda di Lain Waktu

    Nah, jadi yang paling saya banggakan dari proyek ini adalah berhasil menyelesaikan tantangan yang bikin kepala saya muter-muter! 🎉 Dari awalnya yang cuma berantakan, sekarang udah jadi sesuatu yang layak dipamerin. Keren, kan? Saya juga bangga karena bisa belajar banyak hal baru, terutama tentang HTML dan CSS. Siapa sangka, ternyata ngoding itu seru juga!

    Tapi, pasti ada hal yang bisa saya lakukan lebih baik di lain waktu. Mungkin saya akan lebih sabar dalam merencanakan sebelum mulai ngoding. Kadang-kadang saya langsung terjun tanpa pikir panjang, dan hasilnya? Bikin bingung sendiri! 😅 Jadi, lain kali saya bakal buat rencana yang lebih jelas dan mungkin nanya-nanya ke teman atau mentor sebelum mulai.

    Jadi, kesimpulannya: bangga banget sama hasilnya, tapi pasti ada ruang untuk perbaikan. Semoga di proyek selanjutnya, saya bisa lebih rapi dan terstruktur lagi. Let's keep coding!

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    The Challenges I Faced and How I Overcame Them

    So, in this little project, I encountered a few challenges that made me think, "How did this happen?" One of the main challenges was trying to create a food recipe that looked appealing. At first, the design felt pretty plain, like a meal without any flavor. 😅

    To tackle this issue, I decided to add some elements that were missing. I included mouth-watering images and information about the ingredients used. And the most fun part? I threw in a few tips to make readers feel like expert chefs, even if they’re just at home!

    Oh, and I made sure the design followed the instructions in the README. So, all the elements I added not only made it look good but also served a purpose. Now, the recipe is not just delicious but also a feast for the eyes! 🎨🍽️

    In short, this small challenge can be overcome with a bit of creativity and lots of smiles. There’s always a way to make something more interesting. And for my next project, I’m ready to face challenges with enthusiasm and a snack on the side!

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    In Which Specific Area of Your Project Would You Like Help?

    Alright, to be honest, I didn’t face any challenges at all in this project. Everything went smoothly like a highway with no traffic! 😄 But, you know, as humans, we sometimes need a little guidance to make our projects even more awesome, right?

    So, if there’s one area where I’d love some help, it would probably be with design enhancement. Sometimes I feel like my design lacks that extra wow factor, and maybe I could use a few tips from someone more experienced. Who knows, I might get some insights on how to make my food recipe look like a piece of art ready to be displayed in a gallery! 🎨✨

    But overall, I think this project is pretty solid. So, if anyone wants to share suggestions or comments, feel free! The more ideas, the more fun the project becomes!