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  • @mujawarmsahil


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I am most proud of successfully creating a visually appealing blog preview card that meets the requirements of the Frontend Mentor challenge. The card has a clean design, and the CSS styles are well-organized and easy to maintain. I am also proud of using a responsive design approach, which ensures that the card looks good on different screen sizes.

    If I were to do this project again, I would focus on improving the accessibility of the card. I would add more semantic HTML elements, such as main and nav, to provide a better structure for screen readers. I would also add ARIA attributes to the interactive elements, such as the links, to improve their accessibility.

    Additionally, I would consider using a more modular approach to the CSS, such as using CSS modules or a preprocessor like Sass, to make the code more maintainable and scalable.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    One of the challenges I encountered was creating a responsive design that works well on different screen sizes. To overcome this, I used a combination of CSS media queries and flexible units, such as percentages and ems, to ensure that the card adapts to different screen sizes.

    Another challenge was styling the header figure and image elements to have a consistent look across different browsers. To overcome this, I used vendor prefixes, such as -webkit- and -moz-, to ensure that the styles are applied consistently across different browsers.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I would like help with improving the accessibility of the card, particularly with adding ARIA attributes to the interactive elements. I would also appreciate feedback on how to improve the performance of the card, such as optimizing the images and reducing the CSS file size.

    Additionally, I would like feedback on how to improve the maintainability of the CSS code, such as using a more modular approach or implementing a CSS framework like Tailwind CSS.



    o layout está bem adaptado para vários tamanhos de tela e o código bem organizado

  • @adrielson9


    site responsivo, código bem organizado
