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    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I started this project with just javascript. Since i finished it I have been learning typescript,. and this project is now my first attempt at converting a js to ts project. so any feedback specifically about how I handled using Typescript would be super helpful!!

  • Submitted

    I had to use another API to get the geolocation because the one they recommend we use had such a low amount of free usage so I found another to use. Other than that, this is my biggest project yet so feedback is appreciated :)

  • Submitted

    Any comments are welcome! Had trouble implementing the bonus with local storage due to using MUI

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    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    Any input or recommendations is much appreciated!

  • Submitted

    Any feedback at all would be greatly appreciated

  • Submitted

    BMI Calculator

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    This is my first larger scale project using React, and as i'm teaching myself i'm not sure about the quality of my code. Any input is incredibly appreciated!

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    Tip Calculator

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    -Is there ways I could better refactor my javascript file -Any ideas on how to better implement the Tip section, and how to get the background of the custom tip element to not turn green.

  • Submitted

    This is the first time I've ever used Sass or any css preprocessor so any advice on how I did with it or what I should do differently would be appreciated!

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    -Unsure if Aria-roles are used correctly? -Certain elements had to be positioned in a seemingly unusual way, such as the 'out of 100' for the main score. Is this bad practice?

  • Submitted

    I wasn't sure if I should center the card no matter the page width, but being provided two very different sizes for screen layouts I just created two options/placements. If it would have been better to keep the element centered no matter the width I would change it to do so, but was a little unclear on this