You've done a cool project :)
If you want to improve some things, there's a list that I noticed as a QA Engineer:
If you reload the page, you notice that dynamic data is animated from the beginning. It can be a little bit nicer if that data is animated only after a user writes new data in the form
Exclamation signs: That's an interesting idea, but if you want to implement it, you need to implement it everywhere. For example, in the CVV input field, you can write letters, and they'll display as regular letters in the dynamic part
No length limit in the 'Month', 'Year' and 'CVV' input fields
A user can send the card with a '00' value in the 'Month' input field
Extra borders for the 'Confirm' button
A error appears when a user is filling the 'Card number' input field (It should occur only after changing the focus from that field)
The 'Continue' button responds only to the second click
You can preload the 'Success' image, so it'll appear a little bit smoother