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    Somehow I didn't succeed to display the full names of border countries when looking at a country's details, so I displayed the codes instead.

    If someone knows how I could've achieved this, I'd be glad to hear it

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    while making this project, I've used a grid layout for the first time, as I've been used to use flex instead. I tried to make it look good but I've had some issues making the biggest section's height equal to the two rows combined.

    As I'm still pretty bad with grid layouts I'd love to hear your tips to have a clean layout !

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    As a beginner developper, I've had some issues with flex with the Tips Choices. I didn't understand why the input never was the same size than the buttons before it, even though it had the same width property.

    I played around it and put a width of 27 to 29% depending of the window width to "solve" it but if someone sees this and knows the answer, I'd love to hear it