Latest comments
- @Ansh6312Submitted 2 months ago@Tj-woPosted 19 days ago
This is a good design, however try to train your eye for details, the fonts in your solution seem to differ from those in the design follow the style guide to get the right font family size and color.
0 - @leo-smart7Submitted 20 days ago@Tj-woPosted 20 days ago
This is a good design, however the paragraph "Our artificial..." in your solution seems to have a lighter color or weight compared to the one in the design. Look into it
0 - @thunkercSubmitted 21 days ago@Tj-woPosted 20 days ago
The overall solution is good; however, there are a few inconsistencies, such as the font family of the price not matching the one used in the design. Try using the Fraunces font family for the green price. Otherwise, the rest is very good work! keep it up.
0 - P@yk-davidSubmitted 22 days agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
Starting with mobile first layout, I successfully implemented responsive design for both tablet and desktop design.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?The design asks for some spacing between list's bullet point and text, but I couldn't resolve yet.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?I'd like to learn how to make some space between list bullet point and text.
- @PaciifayaSubmitted 22 days ago
- P@lenny131Submitted 22 days agoWhat challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?
The design for the desktop version of the page in the Figma design file included a border and box shadow for the blog image. It's unclear if this was intentional, since these border elements are not specified in the mobile design, or at all in any of the sample jpg images. I decided to use the Figma design as specified. In a real development environment, I would contact the designer to confirm if this was intentional.