I'm proud of building something in a way similar to real live, where a designer hands you a design and you tried to recreate it with code. This time there's not a step by step video on how to do things, you have to rely in your knowledge, and google what you don't know. I'm proud that I finished, and didn't give up.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I realized I didn't know how to use the box-shadow property. I spent some time learning how to use it.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?It's my first time using css variables. For a bigger project it would be good to create variables for other stuff, like text. I'd like to be more familiar with best practices in tokenization; what thing are the most common to have in variables, and what strategies there are to organize.
Also, for letter-spacing, is it better to use em, rem or px?