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  • Ozzy-codes 130



    Hey y'all,

    In this project, I continued to explore the CSS CUBE design principle that would allow for a product that is flexible, scalable, and modular. Any experts on CUBE? Would love your feedback!

    Care to see how I approached this project? Take a look at my README



    Hi Ossy-codes i dont have enough skills to rewiev , just wantet to say that this was js written , that i just staight out had an brain frozen. gonne look at it when i redo mine for som inspiration if its oki? But for me Great Work!

    best regards Simen

  • @SimenHagen86


    Hello :) would love some feedback, i struggled a lot with selecting the span for some reason with get.elementbyid. did struggle from start to finish to be honest - think it was 8 deploys before it was up and running on pages - was good locally. quite different skills needed here from what i do day to day :)

    anyways hoping to progress and get back and do it better. but no matter how many videos i see or docs i read - i still freezes up when try to code on my own..



    i can not get the icon to show here , get an 404
