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    Bom, eu consegui a reolução, mas com muita dor de cabeça e uns probleminhas faltando ainda hahah Os ícones de "+" e "-" funcionam tranquilos enquanto rodo a página pelo VSCode, porém no GitHub não funciona por nada, não sei o porque, já tentei mudar o "src" várias vezes e não é isso. Também tem um outro problema que eu não consegui resolver, que é: Quando você clica em uma opção e depois clica em outra, quando a primeira opção fecha o ícone de"-" não troca de volta pro ícone "+". Se alguém souber e pude rme ajudar, serei muito grato :) Qualquer feedback é muito bem vindo sz

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    Well, i used different colors and some shadows and animations, just for practice and improve my knowledge. Any feedbacks are welcome!!

    Also, i put the purple color in the links under the box, but the color didn't change, if you guys know what's going on please let me know :)

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    This is my solution for the Omelette recipe challenge! I used a lot of CSS in this project and learn about new parameters and properties, CSS is awesome! I was trying to change the spaces of numbers and markers between the content from ol and ul's, but i didnn't find a way to do this. Also i don't know how to remove the border in the bottom of the table, at the end of the page... If you guys know how to do it, let me know please :) Thank you for your attention!

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    I have to go back in some properties and techniques from html and css to build it properly, also there is a problem that i could not solve, that is the font in the GIT Site. If you download the project and run into your pc it will work, but the site doesn't import the font family, and i don't know why