Feedback appreciated!
I didn't spend much time on the responsiveness, but I am happy enough with the end result. Looking forward to my next project, which will be my first attempt with React.
Feedback appreciated!
I didn't spend much time on the responsiveness, but I am happy enough with the end result. Looking forward to my next project, which will be my first attempt with React.
Good work overall @ohermans1, congrats on finishing the challenge.π Some suggestions from my side: Use bigger font sizes for smaller screen sizes. On a smaller screen when you click on hamburger and then resize it back to desktop you can still see hamburger. You can use innerWidth or matchMedia to detect changing screen sizes Overall Website looks great.π
I have completed ecommerce product page challenge do checkout my solution. Feel free to give feedback on my code. π (Design comparison has displayed a messed up website. Why this has happened? Any idea?)