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  • Ryoshi1001 140



    Hope can be good very nice website landing card made. Wanted to give a idea of how to fix but this has to do with the image file. Me tested your good code in vscode and there removed the forward / before the images folder in src for the drawing. Had a idea this could be cause of it not showing it works ok on vscode and live server but when added to github it does not work. Added your html and files to test on github for you and with the / before the images folder it did not render on a live page than tested it again for you without the forward line / in src in github and the new page has the picture in it. Sometimes you can go to github and change the index.html there without uploading a new html file or making a new repository but the changes to your landing card can take some time to update on the live website you can just erase the repository if you used githubs website and than start it again with the new index.html. It is not your fault because if you look at the file path it should have /images/... but maybe there is another reason it works with no forward / hope this helps some thank you take care gn gm fren

    This works here and fixed it: erase / before images folder <img src=" images/image-product-desktop.jpg" id="preview-card__image" alt="product image">

    Marked as helpful

  • Ryoshi1001 140



    Very good website made me like the layout colors and way it is almost the same as design. Tried to go into your html and css file and animation and hover are very good for this I like the keyframes since not using js to add classes for animation. Also wrestled with your code for almost hour to add to responsiveness and try to help your question. It is ok the way it is but for me I like to use 3 rows and 2 rows that respond on page and was trying to find way to share that with you. There is a main, 2 sections, and than two rows in first section and 3 rows in second section. I would try 100% for each section and than add responsiveness from 50% to first two rows to 100% at breakpoint and 33% for the 3 rows break at 50% and break at 100% it is not needed but would look good. I could not fully fix it because you used nth child last child for responsiveness I would have to try and change all of it everyone has own way of writing no one is correct over the other. If you want can try to add class to each section for full 100% and a max-width of 1100px or whatever you want and a margin 0px auto to center the div and than size to inner divs the rows like descript & rating / review-cards while giving main a full width and height auto or full. There are many ways your written code is very good and I wish I could have fully fixed it but maybe someone else can add something thank you take care

    Marked as helpful

  • @Alleared


    This is my third javascript challenge. I'm learning a lot of the logic needed to write code. Any tips on how to write documentation properly, and what is the right way to show a new page within a page? Like in this challenge. Until now, I was generating new HTML in Javascript, is that the best practice?

    Ryoshi1001 140



    Hope can be good form made is very good not easy making many new things. Wanted to just add something me found if want to add to form made. The email input element has border can be erased with border outline none and the email on thank you modal should be same as emailinput.value thank you take care gn gm frens

  • Ryoshi1001 140



    Hope can be good website form made can be very good. Not want to give answers but can try give idea of some things you can add if want. For header-two element if want put all things on left side of form in one div and picture in another div than use flex for header two that way can get better control of not having gap on the desktop picture me had the same problem and tried to fix a few things to make it look better. Another can you can add if you want is change size 120 rem for the container the form is bigger than design and maybe use height for fit content and also change image size if needed.

    For the input its not asked but I also added error red if person clicks the button enter on keyboard. One extra thing which is on the thank you success form if you can find the email in the text it should change to the email address someone types on the form page another person on this website shared that with me also hope this can be some extra help to fix a really good form that you made thank you take care gn gm frens.

  • Ryoshi1001 140



    Hope can be good webpage made looks very good and almost same as design . @nehalSahu8055 added many good things that you can add if needed and gives better control of the page. Already have disply:flex for body of html that is needed to center the qr card in the middle of screen unless made new div/section/main element than used that for centering. A main div would be good that way you can put the attribute at the bottom of the webpage.

    If question is about display block instead of flex for the .box class name you made than you can erase flex from it since everything in the qr card are block elements and use padding to make it look ok I changed a few things in your css and html for you to also try hope this helps thank you take care gn gm frens body { height: 100vh; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background-color: hsl(205, 73%, 88%); }

    .box { width:288px; height: auto; padding: 14px; text-align: center; border-radius: 20px; background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 100%); }

    img { width: 288px; height: 288px; border-radius: 10px; }

    Marked as helpful

  • Ashong 930



    This was very fun as well as challenging bur i pulled through. Any remarks on it would be greatly appreciated

    Ryoshi1001 140



    Hope can be good can be almost perfectly developed from design and looks good only needs to be centered in the screen and also attribution should be on bottom of page. Not sure if me correct all buttons text and images are scaled very good. If can also consider centering the component flex box would be good. Can wrap or use main container with all html code and give it class of flex flex-row justify-content-center align-items center and also can be sometimes for me adding height 100%/full/screen centers the item. Very good work thank you take care gn gm frens.
