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    • Solution URL: Here
    • Live Site URL: Here..
    • Flexbox
    • Grid for the bottom section
    • Using normalize

    If you want to see more, or to know me more "if you want of course <;" You can follow me on the following medias;

    BTW!, my name is Ryan Abdaulaziz but I'd like to be known with Ryan Abduaul that's it i just wanted to say this. If you have any recommendation, anything you wanna say, pls don't be mean and tell me, thanks a lot for being here, peace be with you❤🤞

  • Submitted

    • Flexbox
    • mobile first workflow
    The code
    • Fontawsome - This library is a very amazing one, I highly recomment anyone to upload it on their sites

    If you want to see more, or to know me more "if you want of course <;" You can follow me on the following medias;

    BTW!, my name is Ryan Abdaulaziz but I'd like to be known with Ryan Abduaul that's it i just wanted to say this.

    That's it, if you have any recommendation pls don't be mean and tell me in the comments bellow, until then, peace be with you.

  • Submitted

    In this design, I didn't follow exactly the requirments becasue in the end, I'm not doing real work, it's just a challenge, so sometimes I like adding my print in the design, I love going off on a tangent if it's possible of course, anyway without further ado let's kick it off.

    • Making The Images floating in the page.
    • Adding a few more animations in the ladning page.
  • Submitted

    In this design, I didn't follow exactly the requirments becasue in the end, I'm not doing real work, it's just a challenge, so sometimes I like adding my print in the design, I love going off on a tangent if it's possible of course, anyway without further ado let's kick it off.

    • I've made a wavy footer for the second section in the landing page. Actually, I was asked only to put something on the top of the section which it's going to make it look a wavy background, but I
    • I've made the landing's images floating ones. I made them like that, so it looks like the images are floating on the page. "Because of the wavy backgound of course".
    • Adding some extra animations and making the website alive.
  • Submitted

    Hey Buds What's up 😆 I've finished this design finally, it was pretty easy, I've a question guys, when I open any international website, for example mozilla, and then teying to zoom in or making the screen smaller, I the responsive is brilliant 🔥

    but of course I know that it's complicated and also who made it are pro programmers, but I wanted to do the same, look at the design again to understand what I'mma go to say right now.

    have you? Great then, I was trying to make this cards, or testimonials coming bellow each other, i mean the more small the screen is, the more these cards or testimonials come bellow each other, but when I tried that it was so complicated really, and needs a lot of time, what I did instead so easy and clear you can check it out.

    Ryan, why you're telling me that?? Okay, I'm telling you this because If you know how to do it, teach me because I really wanna do it, it's going to be so helpful, if you don't know yet but you know where can I learn this, tell me in the comments bellow, if you know a keyword for that, tell me in the comments bellow, okay? Deal, awesome😆🔥

    That's it, I wish you're doing always brilliant and well, stay safe and peace be with you❤🤞

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    Guys I have a question for you!

    Okay first of all, I feel that the way I put the width of the card is wrong, Idk I feel it is, so if it is wrong, tell me is there anyway better than mine?>

    and if there is, don't tell me, just give me the keyword and I will search <; I'm waiting for your comments, peace be with you❤

  • Submitted

    Hey gangs what's up 😆 I wish you all going great, I completed the challenge, and I hope it's good enough to like you, but I want you to help me do something

    Tell me the keyword that helps me to search for how to deal with images perfectly in mobile screens, because I'm satisfied with what is going on there at all.😪 Anyway, I don't want you to tell me how can I do that, how can deal with, no no don't pls.

    Just tell me the keyword. all respect and love due to you guys, see you soon ❤🔥

  • Submitted

    Hey buds sup?😁 I want you to attack my design by checking the code and telling me is there any problem, anything I can do it better than I did, so I can learn from you, I'll understand if you said whole the design is terrible, really if that's true I'mma follow ya😂 I'm waiting for your comments buds❤

  • Submitted

    Hey buds! ✌ I'd rather to tell you what's new in this QR code that made than telling you things that you almost know like that I used Flex to align it in the middle and bla bla bla... Nothing much actually, what I did is.. -> Creating a smooth effect in both sides (right, left). 😆 -> When you hover the QR box becomes bigger.😉 That's it, I know, they didn't ask me to do that, but I did though, because I love adding my print in everything I do. If you have anything to say, if want to help me find any mistake I've made, pls tell me in the comments bellow. I hope that was beneficial for you ❤🤞

  • Submitted

    Eventually I completed this design, It was kinda annoying in the beginning, but now I see it so easy, this design can help you to test your html skills, and also can help you to find out if you mastered grid or flex or you didn't, so I highly recommend this design for everyone to do. pls check out my codes and give me your opinion.

  • Submitted

    Hey buds, sup? <: I want your views about the design, I've completed the challenge but with some additions, so give me your opinion about it, I used also personal framework that I used in building a website, I know it's wrong to use it because it's full of things that I don't need here in this design, but It's okay I guess it's just a challenge so yeah great. I'm waiting any feedback from you guys so please see the code and tell me your point of view, we learn from our mistakes.❤