Please let me know if there is any way I can improve my code, particularly the JavaScript. Thank you.
Robert Rynard
@Robert-RynardAll comments
- @BenConfigSubmitted about 3 years ago@Robert-RynardPosted about 3 years ago
Looks great! Your time periods are staying clumped to the left side at larger sizes below the desktop view you may want to using something like justify content: space-around or maybe centering them. Nice job!
Marked as helpful1 - @stebancSubmitted about 3 years ago
I'm trying to write clean HTML, SASS and Typescript code, so any feedback will be appreciated.
@Robert-RynardPosted about 3 years agoYou may want to look at the data as it is not switching when I select the other time periods. Looks great though!
Marked as helpful0 - @eduscasaresSubmitted about 3 years ago@Robert-RynardPosted about 3 years ago
Looks good! You might want to look at your media query break points and switching at a larger size because your desktop is getting very compact at the smaller sizes.
Marked as helpful0 - @HarishPRKSubmitted about 3 years ago
Hi Community, kindly provide suggestions for my final build of this Project. Comments are appreciated😊
@Robert-RynardPosted about 3 years agoLooks like the value of your ETH really dropped :'( Overall looks pretty good just gets a little funky if you drop a little below 375px screen size.
Marked as helpful1 - @GamuchiraiSSubmitted about 3 years ago
Please leave any useful comments. Thank you so much!
@Robert-RynardPosted about 3 years agoMight want to add some more margin or padding between you body and button and maybe consider putting a max width on the mobile version at larger sizes before the media query it can get quite stretched. Overall looks great nice job!
Marked as helpful0 - @PrajwalDhuleSubmitted about 3 years ago@Robert-RynardPosted about 3 years ago
Looks great! The message still says last week when you switch to the other time periods. Nice job!
Marked as helpful0 - @ingegnerlorenzoSubmitted about 3 years ago
Any feedback? I'm not sure about the responsivness, I mean it seems to work but it's like meh...
@Robert-RynardPosted about 3 years agoI think the responsiveness looks great! Nice job!
0 - @Jane72-boopSubmitted about 3 years ago
Any feedback is welcome, thanks! I just have one question, how do you make it so that the facebook icon's border stay as a circle? I eventually transforms into an oval shape in lower screen sizes
@Robert-RynardPosted about 3 years agoI had the same issue with these Icons and would love to know the best way to do it as well. Font awesome has something called stacked icons which you can put a circle around it that way but would love to know of the CSS way of doing it better. this is the article I found while looking into it.
Marked as helpful0 - @Jayesh2812Submitted about 3 years ago@Robert-RynardPosted about 3 years ago
Looks great! It's a little small and you might want to look at changing the message for the previous time period as they all say last week when you change between the time periods! Nice job!
Marked as helpful0 - @covacialexSubmitted about 3 years ago@Robert-RynardPosted about 3 years ago
Did your stylings not get added?
Marked as helpful1 - @donchriscorleoneSubmitted about 3 years ago
I know it is not 100%. Any feedback would help! :)
@Robert-RynardPosted about 3 years agoIf you want to make the image more responsive you can look into the object-fit property and using cover. Maybe take a look at the shadow of the button as it makes it look misaligned from the input. You could also put a border around a wrapper of the button and input to help make them look more aligned. Great job!
0 - @WashemjSubmitted about 3 years ago
I struggled to complete the icons - making them go behind the background I couldnt do, and behind the card in front of them I did but struggled to get everything to line up. Any help on how this is actually done would be much appreciated!
Also how you get the text of the name to go next to the picture - I was trying by changing the display CSS but couldnt work out how to get two lines next to the picture.
@Robert-RynardPosted about 3 years agoYou can set your card to overflow: hidden if you want to hide the overflow of the image. Alternatively you may want to set that to a background image rather than an image in the html as it is for styling purposes and then it would not overflow as well. You could wrap the p and h2 in a div and then put display grid or flex on the parent so the children would be the image and the new div. Looks good!
Marked as helpful2