@Kiara523Submitted 4 days ago
What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
Perseverance, of course I've countered some problems but didn't let myself down, kept looking for solution until I was happy with the result.
Using BEM is new to me and I enjoy using it. It does make thing easer in the long run...especially for more complex project.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?
The biggest challenge for me was to figure out why the mobile image wasn't loading correctly. It was new to me to have 2 different images to load on different screen sizes, nothing to complicated but I needed to do my research to see what was going on. Firefox DevTool is great, getting to know more about it, it really helped.
I've notice that sometimes small typo errors make me waste so much time until I figure out that it was just a misspell.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?
FEEDBACKS are welcomed!!
Just starting now to use the BEM methodology, so any comment on that is appreciated.
Sometimes I get I a bit confused on how many section in the html structure do I really need to make it work. This time I end up deleting one of them that just wasn't doing anything. I kind of feel I rap thing into things, just a little too much. I'm working on that, feedbacks are welcomed here as well.
this time the Figma file didn't have many information, only color and text sizes. I feel like it hasn't been very helpful. I eyeball everything, sizes and paddings, margins and so on
Happy Coding everyone!!