Man it was very frustrating,but i did it,fells awesome
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?images,i was struggling to fit the image in the flex box
Man it was very frustrating,but i did it,fells awesome
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?images,i was struggling to fit the image in the flex box
i learnt how to use the @media queries i will try to perfect it
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?none
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?the @media queries and responsiveness
Try to review the padding between your element and respect the original design page.
The profile location should have : font-weight: 600
I think I am happy that I was able to apply the suggestions and advice that was given to me on my first challenge and do it successfully. I think having those suggestions allowed me to take my time a little bit more and break down the design a bit better, which was helpful. I feel that I would take a bit more time with my next design plan as well.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?My main challenge was dealing with the box shadow correctly since I had not used it before and also trying to get my layouts responsiveness down. I had a little more difficulty with media queries too. To help get over these challenges, I looked on stack overflow and googled uses of the box-shadow property.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?I would like to improve upon how I am laying out my designs in CSS and being more efficient in its set up. I would also like help on making designs more responsive because I have not had a lot of practice in that area.
Your CSS code is well written, i like it. But i have an advice for you, try to nest your css selectors in the future. I can see there you call for the body selector two times.
Proud that I still haven't forgotten the basics even though I haven't done CSS in a while, still a newbie though. Definitely need to improve on my speed.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?no serious challenges were encountered, except for deploying on git, but after a quick YouTube tutorial I figured it out
great you can change your margin top.