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  • @kileybelanga


    Does anyone have any tips for overriding when it displays NAN and Infinity when just one value is input? I've been trying for longer than I'd like to admit to solve it on my own, but nothing seems to be working. I think it may have something to do with the calculator trying to calculate while not all the input fields have values, but I can't seem to figure out a solution.



    Hi @Keilay, It's a very nice work that have done here, regarding about you question:

    I can see that you're triggering the calculateBill() and calculateTip() into three sections but none of them validate that they've receive all the data prior to make the calculus, seems like when any of the previous functions are called you got undefined values between 34-37 lines, and between 60-62 lines, (undefined * number = NaN )

    Try to manage the state of each input, and use it to validate that user enter all the fields prior to perform the calculus.

    Sounds interesting! I will pull your code from github and try to solve it, and let you know the code.

  • @PacoNavarrete


    For this summary card I'm using JavaScript for rendering the individual Scores and the average score (.map() and .reduce() methods helps to do it in one line code), if you want to see it working visit the summary card. Thanks for your visit!
