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    Space Tourism

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    This is my solution for this challenge, This is the second project i have deployed using tailwind css, and it has made my development easier, i only hope to go higher from here.

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    I learned how to use the useParams hook to access a path from the url and display the page based on that path i accessed. The useParams hook is used with the react-router-dom.

    To see how you can add code snippets, see below:

      const countryName = useParams()
       const res =  Data.filter(item => === countryName.countryName)
                  image = {image}
                  name = {name}
                  nativeName = {nativeName}
                  population = {population}
                  region = {region}
                  subRegion = {subRegion}
                  capital = {capital}
                  topLevelDomain = {topLevelDomain}
                  currencies = {currencies}
                  languages = {languages}
                  borderCountries = {res[0].hasOwnProperty('borders') ? borderCountries : borderEmpty}
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    Room Homepage

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    I would like to acknowledge freeCodeCamp and Guillame Duhan for the 4-hour intro class to tailwind css, It really helped me in making my first Tailwind CSS Project. I have really gotten the hang of Reactjs and hoping to move to Nextjs

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    Please I would need directions in the code, it feels too long

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    I learnt how to use the useState and useContext hooks properly with this project, useContext makes it very easy to pass down props instead of doing too much prop drilling

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    I learned how to add a dropdown under a link tag. By adding a ul tag inside a li tag. I also learned how to properly add a dark background when my navigation menu bar is clicked in mobile view.

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    I found it hard to give my border a linear gradient color, but with the help of css- tricks I could do that, now the only problem is giving it a border-radius

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    News Homepage

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    I mastered the javascript method toggle(), to add and remove classes on click of an object. I want to focus mainly on mastering javascript.

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    My JavaScript still needs a lot of tutoring but we are getting there

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    I have a problem with responsive, as i noticed some elements overlapping on iphone 6s+, so please if anyone could help me correct what i did, Thank you.

    This is me the next day, i have updated the mistake.

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    I found the responsiveness tasking, but i did not have to define @media queries to make it responsive