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All comments

  • @NxumaloDev


    How can i view your project? not familiar with react. I even tried clicking on the https provided

  • Adex324 130



    i made it responsive kinda , gonna improve on making responsive grids for desktop and mobile P.S Im open to criticism , feedback and help of any kind



    Great job


    • Use of relative units(e.g rem, em)
    • Custom properties (:root{}), these are especially your friends!
    • Highly recommend mobile-first when starting a project, you will avoid/ reduce overriding and write less code in general.
    • I highly suggesting with easier projects to build your layout skills (CSS Grid and Flexbox) and build your overall confidence.
    • your classes must have meaningful names.
    • use overflow-x: hidden instead of auto to hide the horizontal scroll

    take it one step at a time, never rush to do the more challenging tasks

  • @NxumaloDev


    Hey man i think you submitted your ReadMe file instead of the actual website...

    Marked as helpful

  • @NxumaloDev


    Great job @ForbidenJC! You can really top it off by adding perhaps a 'focus' or confirmation state to the clicked button, so that it visually shows the clicked button

  • @selimbiber


    This project was my second project that I completed using webpack technology and Javascript module system. With this project, I now feel more confident in using webpack technology and Javascript module system in my projects. Thanks to this project, I worked for the first time on the feature of changing the color theme of the page according to user preference.



    Great job dev! On your main.css you can instead say grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr); for responsiveness

  • @NxumaloDev


    Great job @whitwander!

    • Couple of small issues though...

    • Your site works as expected, but it is not responsive for mobile.

    • The error message don't appear when user types incorrect values (noticed you did not account for them in your should!)

    Otherwise keep up the good work!!!

  • @NxumaloDev


    Great job @ola3bosun! Couple of issues unfortunately...

    • The submit button works...but when i keep clicking it gives me a different value on the month tab
    • I also the calculations are a bit off (after clicking the submit button)
    • The error validation tab works... but it does not disappear even after typing in the appropriate values.
    • The error validation does not account for negative values.

    However don't be discouraged as everything works as expected...but only the first time or after i reload the site.

    I quickly looked at your code -avoid using var, instead use let. -I guess you could create another function to use as a fallback i.e function which removes the styling of the error validation when user types correct values.

    if(birthDay < presentDate){ presentDate = presentDate + monthDays[presentMonth--]; //maybe this is what's causing the month issue? presentMonth = presentMonth--; }

    "Good artists copy, great artists steal"

    Marked as helpful

  • @NxumaloDev


    Great job. Minor issues regarding spacing/padding on your mobile design otherwise all's well

  • @NxumaloDev


    As mentioned above, the problem is regarding the desktop layout and the mobile navigation menu is not visible. Otherwise great job

    Marked as helpful

  • @NxumaloDev


    Out of topic question. Do you encourage one using Vanilla CSS Nesting? This is my 2nd project using CSS nesting and i kind of like it. It's been one of those features i have been waiting for in vanilla CSS in a while.



    Can anyone help me with my screenshot issue. I started implementing CSS Nesting (Vanilla) and it seems the generated screenshot does not 'recognize' it, even though the website works as expected.

    Nonetheless, please mind my screenshot, they will start looking like this with my future projects up until something changes. Thank you! Criticism welcome.

  • @NxumaloDev


    @S1S4 One noticeable issue: The mobile navigation menu only displays the contents for the 'Connect' section, you should make it display the contents of all the mini-headings (Product, Company, Connect), perhaps by hover or click. Otherwise everything else seems fine great job!

  • @noutcheu1


    Hello guys please I need help about how to change the color of svg icons when it is use in content css property if someone know how to do it please leave it in comment section thank you .



    Great job @noutcheu1 To answer your question, i used worked like a charm. Since we're initially given the colors in hsl, i then use to convert to hex ( color filter generator uses hex values)

    couple of issues:

    • Your mobile navigation is not functional ( hamburger menu doesn't do anything)
    • Use overflow-x: hidden, to remove the horizontal scroll
    • Minor issues regarding padding, spacing , font-family otherwise job well done.

    Marked as helpful
