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    I didnt check my code here, because I just want to finish last few html css challenges to jump on a JavaScript :).If you want to share some tips I will be happy to get them! I tried to do this challenge for 1440PX max as it is written on style-guide.✔️ Mobile-view first ✔️ All Hovering efects donne ✔️ Had fun! ✔️ Have fun!

  • Submitted

    I didnt check my code here, because I just want to finish last few html css challenges to jump on a JavaScript :). But I did it today in a little speedrun and it looks just fine! :D. If you want to share some tips I will be happy to get them! ✔️ Mobile-view first ✔️ Hovering efects donne ✔️ Had fun! ✔️ Have fun!

  • Submitted

    This was probably the most complex challenge I have donne so far. I had to learn about clip-path and :before to make that little triangle to make the "bubble" for desktop view. This was an amazing challenge! You can see what these things do in my code, Ive copied and pasted simple definition. Happy coding! And I will be happy for any tips :).

  • Submitted

    I learned that you can youse background image and directly add it the background color as I did here for the quation image for Daniel section: background: url(/images/bg-pattern-quotation.svg) hsl(263, 55%, 52%);

    I had a lot of fun doing this challenge as it was my first Junior challenge. Happy coding! :).

  • Submitted

    It was tought for me to come up with the soluction to have the cards placed in "plus" layout, but after some time I figured it out. Here I trained building the mobile-view site first and this was really helpful with exercising grid and flexbox! Happy coding yall :).

  • Submitted

    This was probably the most complex project I have done so far. I realized I will have to learn easier way to make responsive layout. But I am satisfied with how I managed to do this challenge. Happy coding yall! Have fun :).

  • Submitted

    This was my second time building project for mobile screen display first. I used grid because this challenge had it in it's name, but I think this could be solved using flexbox only. I also learned about using filter: brightness(x%); for background colors and text colors. Happy coding! :).

  • Submitted

    I had to learn about background-position for the background images to be positioned as I wanted to, I think I will use this in future for my own projects. And I also do not know if I use the HTML Semantics properly, but I hope I am atleast close :D.

  • Submitted

    This was my first time that I built the mobile-view first. It was actually easier then I thought it will be. I also found out that I can simply use background: unset; for button hovering. Had a lot of fun after job building this project! :).

  • Submitted

    I digged deeper into the flexbox and grid possibilites which was fun. I also found out about opacity and mix-blend-mode. This was really fun and I had to google some things but I can see the progress already!

  • Submitted

    Only thing I would like to know how to make the paragraph linked like in example. For desktop I did it with span inside the paragraph, but for mobile phone it should be displayed differently again.

  • Submitted

    This challenge was very similar to QR code challenge so it wasn't that hard... BUT! I had no idea how to do the hover on the image so I had to change my solution a little bit and I was thinking how to change the thicknes of white border around avatar icon but then I realized its pretty easy.This challenge was very similar to QR code challenge so it wasn't that hard... BUT! I had no idea how to do the hover on the image so I had to change my solution a little bit and I was thinking how to change the thicknes of white border around avatar icon but then I realized its pretty easy.

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    So I learned bootstrap so I decided to try it on this project. Everything seemed hard as it was completely new for me, but I think at the end I nailed it! I'm not sure how exatcly should I make the color circle with point... And I think the code could be more simple so I will be happy for any feedback! :).

  • Submitted

    Hello! This was my first solo project so everything seemed lowkey difficult to me, I had to refresh what I've learned so far, but in the end it looks similar to challenge, so I'm happy with it. I will be glad for any feedback, suggestions, etc... As I said I'm a beginner so I will be happy for anything :). Thanks! Best regards, Tom