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  • P
    stephmunez 435



    Hey everyone!

    I just completed another challenge. 🤘🏽

    Feedback is always welcome. Please let me know of any issues you may find and/or how I can improve my code :)

    Happy coding!

    Nick OD 270



    @stephjoseph very nice work. A near perfect copy of the design.


  • Nick OD 270



    Hi all,

    Is there a way to make the curved bg-images responsive? So you don't have to keep adding media queries everytime their hight goes out of sync.

    Also has anyone got any idea how you're meant to size the gaps in the curved sections? With the figma files there is no way I can see (unless I'm missing the obvious) to get a margin / padding reference. So pretty much had to eyeball the gaps, which I'm sure won't go well lol

    Any and all feedback on my work is most welcome, if you have the time.

    Thanks, Nick

    Nick OD 270



    Oh come on now, when you visit the live site you see no gaps in my curves lol Or at least I don't :)

  • Nick OD 270



    Ah, the Figma design is different to the comparison design above.

    That's a shame ;)

  • Nick OD 270



    Hi all,

    Just a couple of questions on this one please. Would be great to hear your feedback.

    1 - I played around with min & max for things like font-size and my .logo to make it responsive. Is this a good practice at all? Or should I just hard code the changes in my media queries?

        width: max(120px, 14.71%);
    2 - Given that I get the figma drawings, is it best to actually hard code the paddings into my `.wrapper` class the way I do? As I use it to set out where elements start / end. When ever I come to the complete 1440 desktop version, I'm always off and have to play around with them a bit.
    I'm juist wondering how the professionals would tackle responsive mobile first workflow knowing the desktop version needs to be a certain size.
    Thanks again for all comments.
    Nick OD 270



    My word, my original question looks a mess.

    Apologies all.

  • Nick OD 270



    Hi all, please let me know what you think of this effort.

    Can someone take a look at how I went about setting this up for being responsive please? In my .wrapper class I set width: min-content max-content;. I done this as I've been setting widths to everything of late in the hopes of making it picture perfect, only to be terrible responsively. I don't even know if the above is correct, but it seemed to do what I wanted it to.

    I actually had to code this twice, as the first time I coded it desktop first and set the width for everything and couldn't do sod all with it in mobile view lol So If someone could let me know the best practice on this it would be much appreciated.

    I also tried setting a couple of media queries and played with the design. It is not my strong point as you will see lol But at full screen and mobile I think it looks OK.

    Thanks, Nick

    Nick OD 270



    Oh and of course the stars. I never had a clue how to best go about them, so made them the best I could with minmal code.

    If anyone has any suggestions on them and how best to have got them in place that would be great.

