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  • Submitted

    Helloo! 👽

    Just having fun.

    Built with:

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Grid
    • FlexBox

    Please let me know how I can improve.

    Did have some trouble getting the correct lighting for the image, not sure how to get it, any suggestions are appreciated.

    Thanks! 🤗

  • Submitted

    3-Column-Preview-Card Component built with: HTML CSS FlexBox

    NOTE: Changed a primary background color due to accessibility issues. The component now has a darker feel and makes me feel like I'm at a car dealership. 🤣

  • Submitted

    eyo! Had a lot of fun with this, simple yet not. built with:

    • Vite
    • CSS Modules / SCSS
    • FlexBox
    • Grid
    • GitHub API

    Figured out I should probably handle errors sooner than later, but it worked out... lol.

    Let me know what you like or what can be improved. Thanks gang!

  • Submitted

    I had a lot of fun with this challenge, this was the first time I used NextJS, Typescript and CSS modules which took a little to get used to but loved learning and trying it out.

    I definitely like CSS modules but I did miss the ease and customizability of SCSS, honestly I think I would've been done quicker if I did. There was difficulty in trying to get the form to render invalid states only when a user clicks on them but found a great article on how to do it which I linked on Github. Accessibility is something I also struggled with for navigation and look to up my game on in the next project.

    I know there are a lot of things I could improve on this project and probably will come back in time but for now, it's done and good enough.

    If there are any suggestions or Ideas on ways to improve on this especially Accessibility wise, please throw them my way! :D

  • Submitted

    🍃 Wasuup coders!

    Just another component to solidify my knowledge of flex-box and scss. Practice makes perfect or something like that. I learned that using display block on anchor tags is great for making them take up the full width of their container haha. Don't know why I used set widths on them before. Anyways catch you guys later! 🏄‍♂️

    Please feel free to leave any comment or suggestion on how to go about improving my code.

    Thanks! 👽

  • Submitted

    🍃 Hey Everyone!

    This was an excellent challenge to learn and try out Tailwind! It was definitely a rough start and a lot of yelling at the computer but glad I pushed through. I can see why people like to use the Tailwind CSS framework.

    Please feel free to leave any comment or suggestion on how to go about improving my code.

    Thanks! 👽